Wednesday, December 26, 2007

it's Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all! and Happy New Year! ^^
also available on Wilson's deviantart page,
.... well... it's the same thing lah ~_~

Friday, November 16, 2007


Alright alright, here goes the announcement:

I, Wilson Lew Sern Yong, hereby officially announce that I'd become a 22 year old old-fart!


time is like... flying... and i'm already this old... the celebration, well, small scale wan of course, and i'd received a lot of birthday wishes from my friends, thanks to y'all ya, thank you so much! i really really appreciate it! ^^

so, i'd like to wish all my friends, those who're still here in Malaysia, those who went U.K, U.S, Singapore, Australia, or where ever you are, my Secondary school buddies, my college buddies, my primary school friends, my temple pals, my old friends, my new friends, my friendster friends, whom some i've never met them before or even know how they actually look like (but it doesn't matter), and to anyone who stumbled to this page and is reading this (i doubt anyone), WISH YOU ALL HAPPY ALWAYS, A GOOD DAY EVERYDAY, AND MAY YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! (good dream of course ~_^)

but yet again... i doubt anyone's gonna read this ~_~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

a stupid joke...

i came across this sentence in a forum one day, it goes like this:

"Girls have unique magic tricks, they get wet without water, bleed without injury, and make boneless things hard......"

my expression after reading: "what the... hahaha!"


oh, and just so you know, it's not a porn site or porn forum... it's from a game forum actually ~_~

Friday, October 19, 2007

Work Life...

yeah, i'm working already, two months ady loh! Life is good, everything is boring, but hey, i'm doing something i like to do ~~ Drawing and Design! Man i've longed for this! And i'm lucky enough to get this!

So, today's topic is on: Wilson's Working Life Report! ~_~

The company's just a small company, located in Puchong, specifies in security system designs and sales. We don't do much of designs though, more like testing than design! But for myself, i'm a system engineer, but i'm doing art and design stuffs like advertisement space design, exhibition banner design and stuffs like that. The only thing related to what i'd learnt before is technical writing, i.e. writing manuals for our new products and so on...

The life... quite hectic, the works seemed to piled up since day one, which is bad, and also good!
Bad: i'm busy... really... really busy! Though you may see me online everyday but my work table is piled up with loads of work materials man! And i'm having the biggest table in the company somemore!
Good: the bosses seemed to look up on me! He actually asked for my advise on the advertisement and technical writing idea, pretty cool huh? ;)

and the worst: the Wilson-is-gay taboo doesn't seem to leave me =_=
i'm now known as Angelina Willy amongst the female collegues... i'm the bad guy, i'm the gay, and i'm the naughty boy who makes people crazy by playing all sort of musics and songs ranged from normal chinese and english songs to hard metal Ramstein style to sooth and relaxing piano music play to wacko punjabi musics! So yeah, i pretty much drive everyone crazy over here! Life is good! And i'm really enjoying my work life!


Friday, October 5, 2007




(a.k.a. BSC)

The BSC is a Malaysian oriented community dedicated for the bachelors and bachelorettes across the country. It is a friendly, interactive, yet informative club aimed to gather and aid the singles in their relationship hardtime, or to provide the members with updated relationship-wise knowledge.

- to reduce the amount of bachelors and bachelorettes on the street
- to create a united society with good relationship-wise knowledge
- to promote unity and better understanding of the people in Malaysia

- to gather and help out all the bachelors and bachelorettes in Malaysia

As being mentioned earlier, the BSC aimed at helping out the singles in this country and to promote the unity spirit in the society. Hence, we'd prepared a wide variety range of activities in order to realize these vissions and the activities included:

  • Education classes on tactics and tricks to tackle girls/boys, how should one handle the situation, how to take hint, etc.
  • Talks/ Discussion/ Research on relationship issues
  • International etiquette studies
  • Out door research/ body language study (picnic)
  • Bodybuilding/ Yoga/ Fitness classes and talks
  • Group out door girl/boy hunt activities
  • Member mutual encouragement sessions
  • Sex education classes for members who're ready for more intimate relationships, and many more!

All the talks and classes will be provided by, of course, the experienced personale/ professionals.

Members who'd obtained a long term relationship (i.e. found their life partner) will be given a certificate as a remembrance for their participation in the club, a farewell party will be held and their name and photo including some none-private data shall be published in the house of honor section of our BSC Magazine that is published every half a year. These former members are encouraged to come back to our club as honored guests to provide talks and encouragements to our members.

"Luck doesn't comes to those who sit and wait, it only comes to those who seek for them!"

So what are you waiting for? Get your application form and sign up to our comittee and make a change in your life now!

The application form can be downloaded and print out from the link below:

After filling the application, please send it to the following address:

No. 3, Persiaran Bandar Utama,

Bandar Utama,

47800 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

This msg is brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood: Wilson ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What I've Done

(click on the pic to view full size image)

aye aye, i dunno whaaat i've done lately... met back with a whole bunch of my primary school friends a couple of weeks ago, most of them are girls (yay)... but somehow... i just keep getting on their nerves... hehehe ^^"

And this is where the idea comes from, i don't think i need to introduce the characters right? from the first sight you already know the leng chai is me lah! (wohahaha~!) Then the rest i think those of y'all from TN wan should know kua? (hohoho~)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

MSC Digital Drawing Competition 2007

Kaput ady looh! lost ady loooh! i joined this competition, organized by MSC wan, it's a digital comic IP design competition. Don't ask me what's IP, cuz until now i'm still having no idea at all! ~_~ but basically they don't require you to draw a comic lah, just presenting the ideas with some samples in a proposal will do. Then if your idea is good enough they'll short list the contestants into the final round. This is where the contestants are required to talk about their ideas and trying to convince the judges with their presentation.

The competition started early in the beginning of the year on April 2007. But me, you know lah, smart fella, never heard of the news until Eugene informed me... and the saddest thing is... i read his email just 3 days before the submission date! i rushed like hell man! Thinking of the story, design the characters, draw three pages of samples and preparing the proposal, all done in three days! But i made it, during the submission day itself me and my pa drove all the way to Cyberjaya to submit this thing. But i didn't put much hope in it y'know, since it is a last minute job. And i waited, one week, two weeks... no replies... then by the third week, 1st August 2007, i opened my mailbox and it says, "Dear Wilson Lew Sern Yong, Thank you for your submission of the proposal for the MSC Malaysia Digital Comic Competition 2007. The Evaluation Committee, after much consideration and deliberation is glad to inform you that your proposal has been shortlisted to pitch on the Pitching Day."

......... i jumped man! "YIPPEE! I GOT INTO THE FINAL" it was a supprise of a life time! And i anxiously waited till the pitching day, which is yesterday. i woke up very early in the morning, ran through a couple of practices, dressed to impressed, and start off my journey to the competition spot by 10am... reached there about 10.30... and the competition starts at 1.... i wasn't really nervous, but since i was there already i took a tour around the resort. It was a very nice place, quiet and peaceful. And without realizing the time, it's already noon. I don't feel like being late to the competition, so i didn't eat anything and went into the ballroom where my competition is being held. The contestants are very strong! Some are really good in drawing, while some can't draw anything at all, but they have an incredible concept! So i anxiously waited for my turn... in hunger.... and finally around 3.30pm, "Finally!" I presented, no flaws, everything goes just as plan, no nervous, but erm.... it appears that i prepared the wrong thing for them.... cuz in the invitation letter, they asked for presentation about your comic idea, concept, character designs, and then they also asked for business plan, schedule and budgets... and time to talk about all this -- 5 minutes sharp! i don't know what to present so i just summarize everything, just go through, go through, go through.... didn't put much samples and all... oh well! i finish summarizing everything in 5 minutes, but it appears that the judges are more anxious about the samples and the idea of the comic... soooo i got some negative feedbacks from the judges, aaand yeah.... i didn't win in the end.

But it was an interesting experience to be there, to look at other's idea, how they presents, and to re-evaluate myself! There are much more i need to improve in order to move closer towards my dream, this is not the last everyone's gonna see of me man! Winning this competition will be a big leap for me in my career, but losing it just means i'll have to stick back to my old plan. But I will return next year, and I WILL stun everyone with my work in the future! And ONE DAY, I WILL become one of the top class professional comic artist in the WORLD! That's a promise!
HA~! This is where our former prime minister Tun Sri Dr Mahithir Muhammad stood before during the opening ceremony of this resort! he gave his speech here along with several other countries' Prime Ministers and Presidens! ta-da! ^^

this is where the Vice Presiden of the United States '98, Al Gore stood during the speech! fufufu!

This is the view of the entire resort and also the plates and memorial of the opening ceremony ground.

well, the least i can do is take some stupid pictures before i leave this place! and apparently i took quite a lot! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Karaoke Addiction!

Waaah! Jia Qi ~ Jia Qi, you are sooooo nice, you really uploaded it on youtube.... -_-
and you put my name there somemore! Now everyone knows there's an idiot in PJ name Wilson ady!
kena bom kau kau loh this time! yam-gong!

but it was fun! and i'm really having a great time there! Just don't give a damn about anything and everything! just sing out my heart content! usually i'd sing alone in my house. My father use to buy these karaoke CDs, we even have the karaoke set, but i didn't use it lah -- too noisy ady! But my parents never use them y'know, no one sings, so me and my brother happily go and play the CDs, and sing! Our favourites songs --
伍佰的歌 (Wu Bai's songs)! yeah!

Then the first time i went karaoke, invited by Edvin they all (my college friends: A-Ken, Anzai, Kok Hoe, Jian, and who else? can't recall). And i find it really fun! loads of people there! no one cares whether you're good singer or not -- just sing! And those songs everyone knows wan, all sing together! it was really enjoyable!

Second time was few weeks ago, go with Eek Ping, Jia Qi, Lai Chin, Clare, and Clare's boyfriend, Ong Kiat. Same as my first experience, it was really fun! just sing! The sad thing is, all the others have to endure me singing sad songs, and
伍佰's song! woahahaha! BUT I DON'T CARE MAN! THE ONLY WAY TO STOP ME IS DON'T GIVE ME THE MIC! And just when i happily singing out my heart content, this smart Eek Ping go and choose the song i have most trouble in singing... You Raise Me Up by Josh Gorban, and force me to sing... smart fella smart! and the smartest wan is Jia Qi, she pandai pandai go and record, and PANDAI PANDAI PUT IT UP ON YOUTUBE!
oh well, like this only got fun mah! As long as everyone's happy then it's good enough lah! i had a really good time that day either! But the time limit seems a little bit short! 2 or 3 hours only, for 6 people, MANA ADA CUKUP??!!! Must sing MORE! and probably because of that i'm getting some sort of addiction ady... mmfufufu!

the song chosen by smart Eek Ping, but luckily didn't see the face... muahahaha!

"It's My Life~!"

Jackie Cheung's 吻别 (kiss goodbye). i know there's an english version wan but this, is the original! i listen to this song when i was........ oiyo.... that was looooooong time ago loh!

so bila mau pigi karaoke again ah? ^^ me got collections of lyrics of all the oldies chinese songs y'know! english songs also got, Bee Gees lah, Micheal Jackson lah, Bon Jovi lah! ~hohohoho!

Friday, July 27, 2007

My Nightmare = toilet...

The Brain is a very complex and unique organ in our body, it is the main component that controls our entire body whether contiously (hand movements) or subcontionsly (heart beat), that gives us thoughts, that gives us feelings, that makes us who we are, depends on the influence of the education and environment. There are also people who believes that our soul lives in this place as the main control medium of our body. It is special, and it provides many unresolved questions to the scientists, to us human race. And one of the unexplainable mistery would be ~ dream.

It is random, it has no specific theme or reasons that a dream occurs, though some claimed that it might have some relation to our life -- could be a vision of the future, or the past, or a vision of a person's previous life (for those who believes in Karma), or even a vision of the dead. But most of the time, it is random and uncertain. Things that you'd never seen before appear in your dream, people whom you'd never met before talk to you in your dream, hence giving us the feeling of deijavu sometimes. and there are three main types of dream: a sweet dream, stupid dream, and nightmares.

When you talk about nightmares, it is always something scary, that you'd never wish to dream of. Some people dreamed of being killed by people, some people dreamed of falling off a building, some dreamed of ghost (watching too much horror movies). But some claimed that the ghost is real and is someone related to them... spooky huh? And some even say that same, repeated nightmare might means something -- your death, your omen, or your past life's death. So if what they said is true... then my past life... must be dead in the toilet.... cuz... my nightmare is always about..... toilet....

I seldome dream, when i sleep, i'm as good as dead, nothing but my ringing clock could wake me up. And when i have a dream, it is always about something nice... or stupid... like running around in the shopping complex with my bolster, seeing teachers in my old school which doesn't seem like my old school but i claimed it to be my old school, or (this is a crazy one) f***ing a seductive succubus while being chased by a Balrog... ~_~ yeah... it's stupid alright. But none of this ever repeated in my dream, yet there's one, a nightmare, always repeated, though sometimes it is different a little bit, but it is always in the same place -- toilet...

it was looong time ago when i first had my nightmare, i was in a toilet.... well... i don't think i should describe the dream cuz... it's scary.... scary in the sense of.... disgusting.... REALLY disgusting... not those bloody type of disgusting but it's disgusting... and erm.... i think i should leave the details... cuz after i had the dream i jumped off from my bed and skipped my breakfirst cuz.... it's too disgusting -- i lost my appetite after the dream so you should know how disgusting it is.... and i had this nightmare when i was in... form 2.... or around there. But fortunately i don't have it contineuously though. The dream stops appearing the next day. Then after a long time, it happens again! Same dream, same place, same nightmare... a little bit different though. And it starts appearing every once in a while, it's not really the exact same dream, it differs a little bit, but i'm always in the toilet. Hence i developed an ability to listen or see gross things and still able to eat... unless what i eat looks too similar to the "thing" lah...

So i have this nightmare again, last night. This time it's a different toilet. It's a special one! i was in a shop, asking if i could use the shop's toilet, the shopkeeper pointed me to the back and so i went. But the moment i open the door it is quite... supprising. There was a stair, a supprisingly long stairs like the one in Batu Caves, except, this one is made of simen without painting, and it is watery. If you'd been to a low cost house and enter their toilet then you'd probably know what i'm talking about. So the bowl is high up at the end of the stairs and after i got up there, there're two dirty bowls... and THERE'S NO FEAKING DOOR! only a curtain that covered half of the place... but it was an imergency that time, so "fark it lah" i said, just use... and it's gross... really... ok... leave the details... don't blame me if you want to imagined the situation! You can always choose not to think you know! XD

So i woke up... and i began to think, why is it the same disgusting thing always appeared? and i begin to thought of the myth, if the myth is true, that the dream might be a vision of my previous life, and since this is a nightmare, it must be how i died, and it's in a toilet...... so.... what was i in my previous life? After thinking for a while, i found my conclusion -- i must be a lizard! There are some other suggestion that i thought of like roach, flies, and spiders. But i don't like insects, so i don't think i'm those, but lizard. I like lizards, cuz when they're around the flies will be eaten. And i like climbing... i'd jumped off from first floor to ground floor before, never died, not even ingured...

So here's my conclusion, my previous life was a pathetic lizard that probably love to sneak around in girl's toilet and eventually got flushed down in a filthy bowl with... you know what...

oh, why girl's toilet you said? cuz i like girls! And i believe this is the same thing that never changed from the past till now! hmm.... doens't sounds right... =_=

erm................ yet again.... that was pathetic.... But if that was true, then i MUST do something in this life that's totally opposite to that! WILSON'S GONNA BE GREAT! CALL ME, WILSON 'ZA GREAT! wohahahahahaha!
man i love this emoticon...
Still i hope the dream means nothing... bah.... don't care lah! IT'S JUST A DREAM!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i just went back to college yesterday, not that i wanted to, but i have to get back my results! i pass of course, not with a VEEERY good results, but i'm satisfied with it! A 3rd class with honours degree, no complaints and no regrets! Oh well, now i can start looking for jobs, i guess that marks the end of my honey moon either. But what job should i look for? hmm.... i want something with ok earning and short working hour! The short working hour is my main concern, i don't give a damn about O.T, i just wanna go there, work, time up and i'm off! i'm just wondering if i'd ever get this kind of job?

oh well, job hunt aside, one of my friend talked to me about investment the other day, she said (yeah it's a she! wow! -_-) that young people like us should start investing on something for future security. So i asked her, what should i invest on? She doesn't know what to suggest and said she'll let me know more when she learnt more. But i do know a few investments out there that people usually go for: stock market, side business, real estate, insurance, vehicles, etc. Depends on what kind of investment you're looking for, there are many types of insurance out there you can find. For an instance, you have a business of your own, but you plan to build up your market, so either you invest on another shop lot and open a branch stall for your business, or you invest on more vehicles and man power to help running your business and cover more areas. When all these can be considered as normal investments, your friendly buddy here (that's me! ^^) suggests a new investment! Somthing new, something creative and brilliant and worth your time and money!

What's this brilliant idea we're talking about you asked? We're talking about investments on GIRLS! yeah! you heard me! But not just normal girls! I'm talking about.... little girls! Ngiek-he-he! But don't mistaken me as a pedophile for i am a perfectly normal person who love girls with beautiful faces, smooth skin, a pair of lovely boobs, tight waist, sexy leg, and cute ass.... okay..... i think i've given too much information.... the bottom line is, i am a perfectly normal guy in terms of both physically and psycologically! But why am i talking about investing on little girls? what does that means? It means, be friend with little girls, those who're still in primary or secondary school girls. Be friend with them, a good friend, to them, you're someone they can count on, like their big brother, their teacher, yet you're neither to them, you're just -- their Friend! Once you do that, you can start a big plan already!

Start influencing them, telling and teaching them that they should safe money, that shopping is bad, having just one pair of shoes is enough, one bag is enough, that they don't have to keep on buying and buying. Brainwash them! Then further influence them, tell them the importance of healthy diets, exercises, keeping fit and admirable body. Then you can educate them, that they must listen to their husband after they're married, that when her husband say yes, she shall never say no, that she must fulfill her husband desire, but of course to make it less obvious, you must teach her how to defend herself if her husband is a bad one and so on. Like this, you invest on several girls, remember that you don't have to aim on one girl only! invest on several, and always keep in mind that you're just their big brother, influence and educate them till they grow up. This will avoid you from being too obvious and too aggressive to them! But you have to be careful for not being too brother-like as well! cuz if they're just seeing you as their brother, then you just failed in your investment! It is a long investment, and a one shot investment! You won't have that much time to work this kind of master plan! So search carefully, pick your target and invest carefully, and by the time they're 20, you move in for the harvest! MUAHAHAHAHAA! BY THAT TIME YOU'D BE INFLUENCING THEM SO MUCH THAT THEY'LL BE THE IDEAL WIVES THAT EVERY MEN IN THIS WORLD ARE LOOKING FOR!

Still don't get the big picture? You see, let's say you start knowing this girl by the age of 12, after investing for 8 years, they're pretty much being brainwashed by you already! almost half of their life is being "educated" by you! So by the time you take your action to a further level, they'll be pretty much of how you'd want them to be! Someone nice and caring and... don't like shopping and is satisfied by having just a paper bag as their hand-bag and...... okay i'm wondering why my head feel so hurt out of a sudden? ouch ouch ouch! It feels like someone's been knocking on my head! Oh i'm gonna sneeze............................ i have a bad feeling.... i think someone's cursing me right now...... better stop typing! That's all for today, ta!


Please Read:

alright, i'm hereby to apologize if this post is being too offensive. i was bored and was thinking of some jokes to tell my friends and crazy things pop up sometimes! i really just making this up as a joke and mean no offense to the girls! if you think this is too rude to be posted up here just let me know and i shall delete it in no time! Of course, we love the ladies as who they are and how they act. Though there are times their attitude really doesn't please people, but we should always learn and remember to look at the good side of them, the happy memont we spent with them. Looking at the bright side instead of the dark. According to Buddha's teaching: "how you look at people reflects the image of your true self, and how people look at you", if you only see people as trash then you yourself are not much diffent from a garbage either; if you see people as good, this reflects your positive thinking nature, and life is always easier that way! hmm... going off topic already...

Anyway, i hope that anyone who read this post can read it with open mind and have a good laugh along the way, but if it is too offensive, i sincerely apologize and do let me know if you feel that way!

And no, please don't try this "brilliant idea" in real life, you'd either become a bachelor for your entire life, or you'd get caught by policemen for trying something immoral or inhuman on a 12 year old girl. Or in worst case scenario, you'll get killed by the girl's father! If i'm the father, yes that's what i'll do! SO DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! or IN REAL LIFE! or IN LIFE! EVER!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A gift for Pn Chan

well, i've planned to write this post for some time ady, but always get carried away by something else, and now look at this, it's already 3 weeks after Pn Chan retirement, now only i post... grrr.... ~_~

I've been quite busy for the past few weeks, taking playing games and hanging out with friends aside, i've been busy in making my preparation for a comic drawing competition, and before that i was busying on making a gift for Pn Chan's retirement. The early plan was to draw a comic, then after being inspired by Nicholas, i changed the plan to making a slide-show-cum-animation movie... but then i realize that i was freaking running out of time and helpers, so it eventually changed into a slide-show only... heh... so it's nothing much... but it took me A LOT of time to make the slide show, it's a 5 minutes show describing a student's memory of Pn Chan. The student in this show doesn't exist though, it's just a fictional character designed by myself, but
the story was base on real experiences, which i collected it from friends.

The reason i do this slide show? well... i just finished my final year, a free bird, now ready to venture into my art career, but all these years of struggles in a subject that has no relation with art AT ALL dulls my artwork a little. I can draw, but i can't maintain the standard on every piece of drawings, so what i need now is experience, and this will be a good chance for me to practice, to demonstrate to the students of my old school (i was told that they will show it to the students lah...), and also to show my appreciation for my old school's HM. And it gives me something to do y'know, so till i found a job, i will not waste my time doing nothing but sleep, play game, eat, shit, sleep again... then repeat...

But the sad thing is that i wasn't able to get it done in time though... so i missed out the chance to show the work infront of everyone... oh well... maybe it's for a good reason, so that i wouldn't be too proud of myself and people won't think like, "cheh, show off!" So i ended up just compiling my work into a CD and present to Pn Chan as a gift on her retirement day. And talk about Pn Chan's retirement... it is the most glorious retirement ever! Have you ever heard of anyone having a retirement celebration for one whole week? yeah! Our HM is the first one in the history, from 26 of June 2007, celebrating all the way till her official retirement day, that is 29 of June! And to make things more glamourous, she get the chance to depart by helicopter! It's damn cool man i tell you!

The first day was a party at SMKBU itself, gathering all the HMs from our neighbouring schools, basically it's all the schools in BU area lah. Then the second day, 27 June 2007, wednesday, was a dinner organized in KDU hall. I didn't attend this two event lah, the first one got nothing to do
with small flies like me, and the second event, well, i was busy on my slideshow that time so, no, i didn't attend. The the third day, 28 June 2007, thursday, was a gathering for all the former students of SMKBU! It's really cool y'know, a lot of people turns up, and it is like a gathering party for the friends as well! There are some performances that night, Pn Lily Juliani sang Getaran Jiwa, a remix version with mixture of chinese musical instruments, then there are other performances as well! There's one performance prepared in the last minute, the x-SMKBU Choir team performance lead by Melissa Ng and Eek Ping! They didn't do much practices and rehersals, and you can see Melissa is getting panic trying to gather up all the former Choir members, Eek Ping got his music notes cut out wrongly, and the team got an unexpected volunteer from Ai Xuan's younger brother, Hock Leong. It was a funny scene to see! But it ended up very well! Many people join in, the singing is loud and wonderful, the music play is beautiful, and everyone in the hall is singing along with the choir team, it's a real success! Then the last day, Pn Chan's official retirement day, the teachers had arranged a helicopter to pick up Pn Chan at the end of the event! The entire situation was out of control the moment the chopper arrived. Everyone's like never seen a helicopter before (well... of course they've never seen it before... so up close that is!), and the students, including the teachers (:P) rushed towards the field where the chopper touched down, everyone gone wild! Even the teachers also walked closer to the chopper, trying to get a closer view for their camera! The teacher who's organizing the event, that fella is the poorest thing, he was pleading there, "toloooong lah para pelajar, jangan terburu-buru, cikgu-cikgu sekalian tolooong lah jaga situasi..." Then finally, Pn Chan got her glamourous departure by the helicopter after receiving the gifts from all the students and after being interviewed by some reporters.

The event is not suggested by Pn Chan of course, it was prepared by the teachers and the students of SMK Bandar Utama. She's a really good HM i must say, so kind and hardworking, believe it or not, our SMKBU that was once known as the worst school in the region has now turn into the most discipline shcool in BU leh! Things were never the same as before. Nowadays you'll see the students actually line up in the canteen when buying food! And they sit down quitely... well... they talk lah of course, but it is waaaay peaceful than last time! 5 years ago you'll see the students jam up in the row fighting for food, like the monkeys set loose from its cage. Sometimes you'll see some flying objects flying through the canteen, and when that happens, it means you should leave that place, unless you want to join in a fight as well! The flying objects are varied, sometimes it's a plate and spoons and forks, and sometimes it's a rubish bin's cap if it is not the rubbish bin itself! then of course, if you're tossing the plates around, the foods naturally fly around in the mid air either! Recess was a warzone in the past, it is chaotic, and anyone sane would want to avoid going there most of the time, unless they're being forced to go, such as the prefects...

But now everything has changed, not only that the students discipline had improved, but the school's environment itself had improved as well! The colour had changed, the facilities had improved, now SMKBU has a gym room leh! Don't play a fool! And they have an art gallery as well, the science lab is now properly equiped, and the Bio students get to slice frog right now! (gee... i always wanted to slice some frogs... -_-) And the whole school is just.... hmm... how should i put it? The school is filled with information, it has been improved into an ideal study environment! it makes all the first batch students (that's us) wished we're borned one or two years later so that we get the chance to enjoy the facilities provided in the school! But no one can change the fact isn't it? We already left the school right now, and without realizing it, we'd left that place for five years now! everyone is walking their separate path, some working already some still studying. Some in UK, some in Australia, some in Singapore, some in US... some paths will cross again, some... we shall never hear from them anymore... this is life y'know, everything that have a beginning will come to an end. And it is not the end that is important, it's what we do in the process of coming to the end that counts, it is the friendships that we made in the process that makes life wonderful........................................................................................................................... i guess i better stop now... suddenly getting all sentimental... -_-

alright, this is all for today. I'm including the slideshow i made into this post, i wanted to put it on Youtube but erm... it's taking me forever to upload it... so i upload the show in my photobucket account, i also include the site so that you can get a better view of the slide show by visiting the webpage, and ah, that's all for now! Cioz!
The link:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Cheers 2007

damn man! i couldn't online for almost a week! stupid line down! but putting that aside, i'm glad that i got my line back now!

well, i went to watch cheerleading competition again this year, on 24 June 2007. This year's performances are awesome y'know! Everyone had improved so much! Their cheers are so mature, and the stuns, just simply amazing! and the best thing is, there's a cheer performance by a group called Charm, this team is superb i tell you! Breath catching stuns, amazing acrobatic performance, good dance, good cheers, and never forget, Great Lookin' chics man! XD
but seriously, the team is very well balance in term of the participant of the male and female performers, all with well trained body (if you know what i mean ^^)! And no matter they're boys or girls, they all matched up to their name, Charm! This team is not a competing team by the way, cuz if they are, then we all know who're the winners without looking at the others.... it's sooo obvious, they're Good! But instead, this is a performance team, and they picked up their members from the best of all the schools, and the name Charm erm... i'm not sure what it stands for... Charity... dunno what what what.... hehehe

So this is the good thing, i went to watch the cheers with my brother, and the bad thing is, near the end of the show, some IDIOTs buat kecoh at the back of the stadium! And the worse thing is, the person who buat kecoh, is my brother's friend! well, not a close friend, he just know this person exist and talk to him once, but then his other friend, Jackson, called my brother, making it sounds like a big matter lah, say this idiot kena wallap and ask my brother to check out the situation before he arrived. So my brother did as he asked, went to check out the situation, and me, yeah though people say someone as big size as my brother wouldn't need anyone to back him up, but i'm still worried y'know, he's my brother! so i went with him, and boy there were so many people there man! All doesn't look like a friendly type... then Jackson arrived, tried to solve the matter... then the asshole who started the fuss start calling up more and more people, like he's starting out a fight! But guess what they found out in the end? It's a very stupid story so bare with me...

The guy who started the matter, let's call him A.H (Ass Hole), is aftering a girl let's called her M.M (Mui Mui or in english, little girl), M.M don't like A.H, but A.H doesn't know how to give up, keep aftering her, asking her to break up with her boyfriend and so on. Well... M.M is ok looking i'd say, but too young, waaay too young, she's a secondary school kid from Sri KDU, what d'you expect?! And the worse thing is, A.H... is one year older than me! Well, i may be joking around all the time saying "let's 'invest' on little girls" but i was joking all the time ok, but this guy... he's dead serious! But that's not the most stupid thing, let's get back to the story. M.M don't like A.H, A.H doesn't want to give up, so they ended up quarelling (god -_-), and M.M got so pissed off that she threw her shoes at A.H! A.H got pissed, and start pushing M.M around (yeah, i know, that guy's an idiot), so the girl got scared lah, and M.M's friend, a guy friend, not boyfriend though, start calling for help, asking a malay guy to help out. Let's call this guy S.M (Stupid Monkey). I think S.M making up stories say A.H is bullying M.M or something lah, so the malay guy came in and pushed A.H away. And i think the malay guy pushed him quite hard lah, i mean, what you'd do if someone tell you that a guy is trying to hit a girl? For me i'll pushed him away hard also lah, if not hurting him badly... so A.H got scared... and started crying.... read carefully now, A BLOODY 23 YEAR OLD IDIOT CRYING LIKE A BABY AFTER BEING PUSHED AWAY BY THE OTHERS! and i really mean that he cried like a baby you know! sniffing and crying, and start calling all his kaki to back him up, and the excuse he made, "i was being hit by a bunch of malay guys..." This is a sensitive issue you know! and when he said that, EVERYONE CAME! looking for a fight that is! so he waited, my brother came, and soon Jackson came, and all the A.H's kaki came. Everyone thought this is something serious, everyone thought A.H is really being bullied by some malay guy...

this is when the monkey show begins, the malay guy noticed that this is all a misunderstanding, trying to make peace with A.H, but hey, now A.H got all the back ups ady wei, his uncle, his kaki, everyone, and this A.H suddenly y'know, turn into a fierce tiger! yelling like a gangster boss like that, say, "i don't want to make peace, i don't care! today i'm gonna wallap this guy!"................... waaah... i was saying, damn pathetic wei! He got no guts at all! After living in this world for 23 years he can't even settle his own problem by himself! But it's alright y'know, we all know that idiot exists in this world! But this fella, he cried like a pussy at first, begging for help, and when his helps arrived, he starts barking like a stupid dog! Like he's the alpha male or something! But luckily things didn't turn out bad man, soon everyone knows that this is just a small misunderstanding and decided not to make things worse and just let it go.

The most pitty person would be Jackson, he was planning to enjoy himself for the whole day after finishing his exam, but ended up coming all the way to Bukit Jalil just to solve this matter! And that's not all y'know! Before this i mentioned there were alot of people involved in the commotion right? I noticed some of the guys dress up like hongky gangster like that, standing there, doesn't look friendly at all. So i kept my eyes on them and asked my brother to be careful. And i also noticed the malay guy is not alone as well. I stayed calm and alert, ready to strike at any suspecious movements, then this hongky gangster guy suddenly called out to Jackson, "hey, are you flamming at us?" "no, but aren't you guys M.M's friend?" Jackson asked. "No wei! hey, we're not involved wan wei! We're just spectators! don't get us involve wei!" .................. then this malay guy approached Jackson, "hey, chill lah, ok, sudah takde apa-apa ya! Boleh ambil gambar tak?" and he was smilling at Jackson asking to take pictures.... Jackson, that poor kid who's suppose to be the centre person for this matter, kena bom so much that he lie straight on the floor, laughing at himself as why is he got involve in this matter...

So this is a lesson i learnt from that occasion, never get yourself involve in this kinda stuffs, it's so stupid and so pathetic that you'd never want to be related to any of it... luckily i watched all the cheer performances on that day, and that they didn't really start out a fight. The next time anyone asked my brother to settle this kind of problem, i'm gonna pull him away and leave those idiots to settle it themselves! God! These people, GET A LIFE MAN!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Dream Life

i'm living in a life that's free from stress, from worries, and from engineer...... hahahaa! ^^

i'm now living in a life that i always dreamed of, a life as an artist! too bad i'm not making money with my artwork right now, but you just wait! One day, i'll live in this dream, where i earn my living by doing the things that i like to do the most, and still enjoy my life! But until then, i still have to work hard! And right now, i need to DRAW HARD!

Okay, maybe i'm obsessed in drawing, blah blah blah, but how could you expect me to give this up man? I'VE BEEN DRAWING SINCE THE MOMENT I LEARNT HOW TO HOLD A PENCIL! This is one thing that i'll NEVER GIVE UP! But then all these years of lack of practice makes my artwork looks like crap! I can draw, yes; i got loads of skills and techniques, yes; but somehow all these skills are not working properly... when i'm trying to put all my skills together, it just somehow... cannot merge... and the drawing just... doesn't seems right... how do i put this? mmm.... it's like i can't maintain the same standard on every pictures i draw! Lack of practice man... but i'm not worried! I'm now living in a world where i draw all i like, and nobody, nothing bothers me! I should be able to raise my standard in a very short amount of time! (if i'm lucky enough that is! ^^)

But this month is still a little busy for me, Pn Chan's retiring and i'm preparing a slide show on her retirement day, so i've been drawing whole day for that. And the stupid Comic Competition, which i thought the authorities had canceled it this year, is still on! but i must submit my work before 30 June.... baaaah... don't care lah. I'll see if i'm able to draw one before the due date... if not... oh well... too bad for me then...

right now i'm not planning to work yet. I'd finally got my freedom, why should i get back to hell so soon? Besides, i need to properly plan out my future, and bring my dream to reality man! ............ just that... after i planned out everything, i forgot to put in a slot of when i should get a girlfriend.... -_- right till now... it's still zero leads... tak ada pompuan, tak tau where to find pompuan.... somebody... introduce me some girls please... *sniff...

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Last Stand - Part 4

hahahaha! Now i'm really done! no more exams, no more tests, no more viva... AH-HA-HA-HA! This is what i call freedom man! Now there's another 2 more months to convo, and the results dunno when will come out, but i don't think it'll be soon! Some people start looking for jobs right after this, but me, i prefer giving myself some time to relax man. I mean, after 4 damned years i'm finally through with this man! Why rush to work and head back to hell so fast? i just spreaded my wings, let me fly a little longer!

The vivas, they were ok. Mr Chio one's a little **** up though... Kok Hoe did some mistakes in writing the report, my portions look too simple and the worst thing is, Eric didn't do anything... and get caught by Mr Chio! Man.... that day was a nightmare man.... it was the first time i see Mr Chio look so scary... he was still smiling y'know, but something in my heart just keep telling me that it's bad, it's bad... i'm dead! I don't think i'll be afffected much by this, since i did my job and answered what he asked me, but i can't tell for Eric. I wonder how is he now... never see him ever since that day... The last test on Friday was really bad lah... hahaha! ^^ i got myself ill the day before the exam, i think it's food poisoning lah... so ended up really sick and didn't study anything AT ALL! So it's only natural that i can't understand anything in the paper... i did tried my best to squize out whatever that i have in my brain, and left the hall one hour before it ends... (the test was two hours duration lah)... hehehe... but luckily this one only contributes 1% of my finals... so it doesn't really matters lah.... hopefully... -_-

the Project Viva was ok either, the demo's a little yucky since we weren't able to combine our circuit, so it's only natural that we got shot by the accessor. But overall i'd say i did well in the demo. I show them clearly what i did, they understand what i said, i runned my simulation infront of them and it works, i answered every questions swiftly, so yeah, i think i nailed it! They asked me to correct some minor portions of my thesis though, but you know what is their comment? You wrote a good thesis. Hehe! what else you want?

So! i'm through, i'm done! I'm really a free man right now! Celebrated with sushi again! hahaha! too long never eat ady, got choked up by the wasabi! Damn Syok wei!
Now let's turn my study table into an art table! just like the one i always want it to be...................




..... the end

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Last Stand - Part 3

Finally, it's over... the exam... i no longer have to sit for major examinations such as this one. 4th June 2007, time 1900 marks the moment i end my miserable life as an exam taker! I no longer need to worry about marks, about passing or failing. Today's paper is suppose to be the easiest amongst all, but the stupid examiner changed the format (damn the formats!) and came out with a stupid diagram asking me to analyse it. I know how to do it, just that due to the sudden shock and confusion of facing something new, i got stunned for a while, and damn! Not enough time in the end! Damn shitty wei! i was expecting to score a pretty high mark for this paper, now it's cut down to half! But does it matter? No... it doesn't matter anymore, it's all over! i no longer need to stay up late to study, i no longer need to do tons of pass year's papers, i no longer need to worry about that anymore... no longer... aaaah... freedom! Feels so good!

i don't think i'm in such a bad situation that i'll fail my course, it's impossible! But i probably won't be able to achieve my target, probably will be getting a 3rd class only... but that's no big deal man! people got diploma cert still be able to find a good job! So maybe i'll get this kind of luck too! And i shall leave that to my future, let's not bother about that for the moment. Now, is the moment of rejoyce! A moment of relieve, and release from 4 damn years of mental torture! Some people say though, that working environment is much tougher, blah blah blah... bah my fart lah! Nothing is tougher that being forced to do something that you REALLY don't like WITHOUT getting any pay back! At least working, "hey i got pay! and my stomach is full!" ....

now what's left is some Viva Voce and a phase test. Viva Voce is an interview with the lecturers, discussing about your past works, whether you understand what you're doing or you're just copying... additional marks are scored from there y'know! that's what i heard of course. I'm not really sure how to pronounce the two words though, i pronounce it as "vai-va vose", some people called it "vee-va vose", my lecturer pronounce it as " vai-va vo-say"... which i don't think it's correct... but who cares?... as long as i'm referring to the same thing and everyone understand what i say then it's fine!

So, today i'm having my viva, 3 interviews in a row! Syok leh! Kok Hoe made this arrangement himself, and i say it's good also lah... no point to pro-long the troubles, just get it through in one shot, then tomorrow (wednesday) i'll be having my project viva, then friday my phase test, then it's all over! hahaha! Mom asked me to continue my studies to master degree... but i see no point doing that... i'll most probably ended up jumping off from KL Tower! hehehe! So no, no master degree in engineering, please! I'M THROUGH WITH IT! AND BY THIS FRIDAY I'LL BE FREE FROM ALL THESE... HELLISH TORTURE! HAHAHAHAA! YAY! IT'S ALL OVER!




... the sky seems so beautiful today! i'd never realize that the world is so pretty! -_-

... to be continued

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Last Stand - Part 2

Damn! Miracle never happen to me! Maybe i'd never noticed when it happens but it definitely failed to show up today! I'd just finished the thoughest paper of the series, i wrote a lot, but for some reason i had a feeling that it's not correct, if it's not entirely wrong! What i studied, come out only two questions, out of six questions available in the paper (i was required to choose 4 though)... but for the two questions that i answered the most, it carries so little marks that it made me feel like crying... -_-

maybe i'm not suitable for this subject in the first place... hell... i'm an art person to begin with! Well... maybe it's not the time to put this kind of blame... there's nothing to garuatee that i'll do better in other subjects either so erm... let's forget it...

But i'd been trying so hard you know! You'd never seen wilson working so hard before, sitting infront of his desk, pick up his notes and actually study! I do play some games when i'm bored, chat with people online... BUT HEY, I'M A HUMAN! I NEED SOME FRESH AIR ONCE A WHILE! Besides, i don't think i can pull it through even if i studied none-stop... i'll probably burnt out due to exhaution... so all i can do is to accept this fate, hoping that by any chance i'd be able to get through in the end. ha-ha-ha... man... i don't even have the mood to laugh right now...

Now i'm left with the final paper, it should be the easiest paper amongst all, and let's hope that IT IS! Then at the very least i'll be able to leave the exam hall with a smile on my face, and happily carry out my holiday plan... i'd planned a lot of stuffs for this holiday y'know! Drawing frenzy, girl hunting, research, self study, writing a special blog, etc etc... so many things, so much fun... and i'd be really pissed if it's ruined by this exam man!

so here it is, my final paper, my final boost!






... to be continued

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Last Stand - Part 1

Finally it'd come to this, the finals. It started just two days ago, on the 23 of May 2007, Wednesday, time 1550. I can't say that i did well in this, it's defiinitely not, but i don't think i'll fail this as well... i guess... i... just don't feel like studying... probably due to the assignments due on Monday, 2 assignments were requested to be handed up two days before the finals... and i've... burnt out because of that. You can say that i'm responsible for not doing the assignments earlier, but dueing 2 days right before the exam is just too straining! Plus there's no study weeks! I rushed the assignments, almost forget about the exams... i'd prepared earlier, but it's just not good enough... i focused back on my studies right after my assignments due, but it's too late... i can no longer concentrate, i read the notes, i did the tutorials and the pass years', but everything just pass through my brain, never stayed there... i was tired, and fed up, and eventually i... really don't feel like reading anymore... cuz i know that no matter how much i try to struggle, it's too late... i can no longer catch up... and i'm too exhausted to move on... i guess... i should just... give up.....

Ha! You think ONE paper is enough to bring me, WILSON THE GREAT, down? NEVAR! Yeah, it went pretty badly that day and there's no garuantee that i won't fail the paper, i'd even estimated that if i want to safely achieve my target of 2:1 class (that's 2nd upper class) i'll need to get particularly high scores for the next two papers, which is quite impossible espeacially for the 2nd paper, but does that mean i'll surrender and let go? NEVAR!!! The fire is still burning man, the heat is still on! It ain't over yet! As long as there's time, there's hope! As long as i'm still breathing, my heart's beating, the brain's functioning, and as long as my body's working, THEN IT'S NOT OVER YET!

I'll try! I'll fight! And nothing, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!
(howl of terror...)






... to be continued

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Jual Roti

i was home one day, preparing for dinner. I was sitting in the dining room when i noticed a tall stack of boxes being placed at the corner of the room near the stair.

i was wondering about the contents of those boxes as i asked my mom, it seems only to be there after my mom came back. She didn't heard me, resuming on her cooking as i waited.

Finally, the dinner was served, and i tried to ask her again, "Mi (it's how i called my mom, Mi = Mommy), what're those boxes?" She looked at me smiling and said, "Roti". Then i was like... huh? Bread? Then she said again, "you have any friends that need it? it's RM300 per box!" "WHAT? 300 BUCKS FOR A BOX OF FREAKIN BREAD? i mean, even the box are perticullary big, can stuff at least 4 or 6 packets of extra size breads, you can't expect people would pay 300 bucks for BREADS right? Besides, what brand is that? i'd never seen it before! it's not Gardenia nor High 5, the box is white in colour, i can't really see what's written on the box from where i sat, but 300 bucks is rediculous! i was left there in confusion as my mom laughing there at the side...

Only then my father turned to me, "it's woman's napkin..."



great... Roti... this is what they called a woman's napkin in the old days... it appears that one of her customers in saloon is asking her to help selling this product, and she's expecting ME to help her selling this out.....
I'M FROM ENGINEERING CLASS MAN! THERE'RE ONLY PATHETICALLY 6 GIRLS OUT OF 80 OVER STUDENTS IN THE CLASS! (not forget to mention non of them are my type) MEANING MORE THAN 90% ARE GUYS! HOW IS SHE EXPECTING ME TO SELL IT TO THESE PEOPLE?!! plus my some what introvert attitude, i'm not close with the girls at all, and those i hang around with are mostly not here right now, some in Australia, some in Singapore, some in JB, some dunno where.... so how am i suppose to sell this ROTI??! Even if i'm close with the girls, it'd be ackward for a guy to ask a girl, "hey, you wanna buy napkin? i got one here, very cheap! 300 bucks for one big box! VERY good wan! Comfortable, good absorbtion... blah blah blah... buy one box and you'll get your whole year of napkins supply covered!" how's that sounds to you?
IT'S NOT RIGHT! IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT! i'm expecting two possible out come from this,
1) the girl will turn away, saying "PERVERT!" and i'll get shunned from any relationship with the opposite sex forever, or...
2) i'll get a nice thick slap on my face and i'll get shunned from any relationship with the opposite sex forever....
geez.... what's my mom thinking man...... -_-"

Thursday, May 10, 2007


haven't been updating for some time... i'm trying to putting on some new stuffs on my page but erm, need to find a right time to do that, but not now.

Right now, i'm counting down! counting down to my finals! counting down to my holiday! yeah, i'm almost through with this ady! 14 more days... actually 13 now... and i'll be battleling my final struggles! and another 26 days, that's almost a month time and i'll be.... free.... thinking of the exams makes me wanna explode, but thinking about the holiday... ah.... after that need to find job ady loh, after that i can seriously do what i want to do! YES, the fight is still on! Being one of the world famous comic artist is a vision not a dream! so i'll make it a DRAWING FRENZY after i'm done with my finals! HAHAHAHA! BY THEN NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!

i did some drawings lately, a potrait actually, and here i post it up with a real photo comparison, what do you think? i got some pretty good comments in deviantArt! i never knew i could draw a real life person at first you know. Actually, i thought that i couldn't draw a real life person, then Jia Qi reminded me of the Dr. Mahathir's drawing i did back when i was form 5... so i was like, "oh, cool! i can draw a real life person! i'm not just a cartoonist!" hehehe...

and here is another final fantasy picture i drew, it's Vincent Valentine, got some pretty good response from deviantArt also! i think my artwork improves again! hahaha! ^^ (bodoh)

anyway... have i ever tell you guys that i have a deviantArt account? i post up all my artworks there... well... those complete wan lah.... i don't bother about posting up the sketches though... haa... how i wish i'm out of my final year now! then i can post up more blogs, more drawings! nyahahaha!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

skin testing!

ooo~! somehow i managed to personalize my page without downloading the skin from somewhere else or even learning up the html codings... i hate codings... though i'm specialized in IC circuit design coding (VHDL) but i still hate it! the pages of codings, of words that you couldn't understand, that seems like english but it's not english at all, that makes your eyes blur and pop out when you received tons of error messages! i'm through with it man!

anyway, i'm able to modify my page without all those knowledge or sources. The web pages i tried out aren't working at all, so i modified it myself! the page is still partially modified though, i'll get a complete personalized page by... sunday maybe? bah... whenever i have time lah! Too damn busy man! okay... maybe it's because i'm lazy... but i just don't feel like doing anything! just feel like drawing... just draw... don't want tot do assignments... don't want to study... *sniff... i want to draw... :_(

ok, let's get back to work!

wilson, out!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

man vs woman XD

it is alwasy easy to tell whether the one driving infront of you is a man or a woman, or an idiot....... ~.~

if you see the person driving infront damn ganas wan, cutting in here and there, that's most probably an idiot who thinks he can drive like Micheal Shoemaker (:P); if you see the person infront of you driving damn slow wan, it's either that fella's car too old or the fella's too old; if you see the fella's like can't make decision where to go wan, then suddenly cut out of the lane without signal or suddenly brake wan, it could be a drunk, but most of the time... it's a woman... i'd personally experience this countless amount of times, more than 80% of my guess are usually correct. But i didn't know why though, until Marwan explained to me why woman drives like that...

he said it happens to his mom also, it's like they were thinking about what they want to cook for dinner when they're driving, or is their laundry done already, or what time their kids comming home, so without realizing it, they're already on other people's lane! So any normal reaction will be "alamak, wrong lane", but the difference is they straight away pusing balik without look at the back or giving signals or anything...... so try to avoid road rage when you're driving and stop cursing anyone who drive like an idiot infront of you, i wouldn't be supprise if that person's gonna be your future wife or worse... your mother in law.... so just be a little more cautious and over take them, or let them over take you and drive like normal! then they're happy and you're happy everyone's happy ya!

there's no discrimination meaning in this comic y'know, the idea just kick in and i just felt like drawing it... ^^

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

enough with the damn project!

i woke up, 6 am in the morning, try to get myself back to sleep... and apparently i did... but somehow i'm feeling a little uneasy down in my heart... nightmares popped out the moment i closed my eyes, yes, a ghost was chasing after me, it was talking to me, mumbelling and making a lot of discusting noise! i was scared, and couldn't hear what he was saying. Until i notice that the thing was just talking there, i tried to listen, it was speaking english, and i tried to focus harder... it was asking me question regarding my project! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! i woke up...... nah... it wasn't that bad, but i did had a nightmare about the NTU representative marking my final year project as i was demonstrating my work. Yeah, i'm having demonstration today, and i'd been running mind-simulation for the whole night about how should i present my work... so the nightmare kicks in naturally... but i did had one round of diarrhea this morning... it happens everytime i had event such as examination or presentation... so you can call it a routine actually!

i reached college at 9am and begin to prepare my materials, then wait... one hour had passed, two hours, then without realizing it, the whole morning was over... AND THE BLOODY ANG MO (means white people) STILL WASN'T THERE YET! well... he was upstairs, checking on other projects... so i got bored (duh, try sitting on your chair without doing anything for 3 hours)... until i heard some of them talking about the questions that the Ang Mo had asked so far... it's a stupid question, "what is the motive or drive that encourage you to do this project?"...... so this is how i tought everyone to answer:



ya, as if anybody dare to say it... so eventually, it was us who took our tension and shoved it up our own ass... everyone comes out with their own "profesional" answer for the question, the Ang Mo's satisfied with the replies as we hold our tears at the back, thanking God that we'd finally make it through... but come back to think of it, it wasn't that bad lah... the Ang Mo has no idea what we're talking about at all, so we just keep yapping, show him the simulation, show him the results, and tell him if you're satisfied with it or not, and he'll be happy then he'll be gone, then you'll be happy too! actually for my team's project, we're suppose to combine our circuit and download it onto a hardware for final simulation, but since we ran out of time and didn't perform the final part... we just keep our mouth shut about that... we're not lying! we just simply fail to mention it out that's all... so in the end everything is fine, after waiting for 6 and a half hours, we're through!

yeap! it's time to move on to the next subject! Things just never end until you own life comes to an end... but until then, let's keep moving on man!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

First Post on Blogger!

wow... how long has it been since i last update my blog? the one that i updated on blogger recently cannot be counted though, cuz i was using that as a test post for my new page... so the last update was on the 4th of March... so it's like... one month? that's the longest pause period i had so far! Now with this post, i shall declare that Wilson has officially changed his blog page into blogger!

why i change into blogger? hmm.... let's just say that friendster has too many limitations on their page design and photo uploads, they actually set a limit of 50 pictures max for every month! so if you have too many pictures that you want to share on your blog, you'll have 50 spaces for you to upload, after reaching the limit, wait for the next month... and let's say you uploaded a picture into your blog but realized that you'd uploaded the wrong one or being set to the wrong size and want to change, so you delete it and upload a new one, but guess what? the one that you deleted is still counted in your 50 pictures limit! And i always happen to upload my pictures in wrong sizes... so delete and reposts... damn! i'd exceed my 50 pictures limit! so when i got fed up, i change it!

blogger, so far so good, there're so many functions and settings that can be made so it takes me sometime to adjust my page set ups and all... and i finally got this one... but i've seen some who personalized their template into something REALLY cool y'know! i wanted to try it but it says i need html knowledge in order to do that... i found some sites that offers templates for blogger but all cannot work wan... bah... f*** lah.... i'll just stick with this one for the moment......

my studies in KBU is ending soon though... in another one month time i'll be out of there for good! then after that what should i do? i really don't know... i want to become a comic artist, and i'm not kidding about that, but how am i suppose work my way to that? the future... seems so vague to me... haih... i don't have the time and energy to worry about that right now! NOW - FOR THE SAKE OF MY CERT