Friday, July 27, 2007

My Nightmare = toilet...

The Brain is a very complex and unique organ in our body, it is the main component that controls our entire body whether contiously (hand movements) or subcontionsly (heart beat), that gives us thoughts, that gives us feelings, that makes us who we are, depends on the influence of the education and environment. There are also people who believes that our soul lives in this place as the main control medium of our body. It is special, and it provides many unresolved questions to the scientists, to us human race. And one of the unexplainable mistery would be ~ dream.

It is random, it has no specific theme or reasons that a dream occurs, though some claimed that it might have some relation to our life -- could be a vision of the future, or the past, or a vision of a person's previous life (for those who believes in Karma), or even a vision of the dead. But most of the time, it is random and uncertain. Things that you'd never seen before appear in your dream, people whom you'd never met before talk to you in your dream, hence giving us the feeling of deijavu sometimes. and there are three main types of dream: a sweet dream, stupid dream, and nightmares.

When you talk about nightmares, it is always something scary, that you'd never wish to dream of. Some people dreamed of being killed by people, some people dreamed of falling off a building, some dreamed of ghost (watching too much horror movies). But some claimed that the ghost is real and is someone related to them... spooky huh? And some even say that same, repeated nightmare might means something -- your death, your omen, or your past life's death. So if what they said is true... then my past life... must be dead in the toilet.... cuz... my nightmare is always about..... toilet....

I seldome dream, when i sleep, i'm as good as dead, nothing but my ringing clock could wake me up. And when i have a dream, it is always about something nice... or stupid... like running around in the shopping complex with my bolster, seeing teachers in my old school which doesn't seem like my old school but i claimed it to be my old school, or (this is a crazy one) f***ing a seductive succubus while being chased by a Balrog... ~_~ yeah... it's stupid alright. But none of this ever repeated in my dream, yet there's one, a nightmare, always repeated, though sometimes it is different a little bit, but it is always in the same place -- toilet...

it was looong time ago when i first had my nightmare, i was in a toilet.... well... i don't think i should describe the dream cuz... it's scary.... scary in the sense of.... disgusting.... REALLY disgusting... not those bloody type of disgusting but it's disgusting... and erm.... i think i should leave the details... cuz after i had the dream i jumped off from my bed and skipped my breakfirst cuz.... it's too disgusting -- i lost my appetite after the dream so you should know how disgusting it is.... and i had this nightmare when i was in... form 2.... or around there. But fortunately i don't have it contineuously though. The dream stops appearing the next day. Then after a long time, it happens again! Same dream, same place, same nightmare... a little bit different though. And it starts appearing every once in a while, it's not really the exact same dream, it differs a little bit, but i'm always in the toilet. Hence i developed an ability to listen or see gross things and still able to eat... unless what i eat looks too similar to the "thing" lah...

So i have this nightmare again, last night. This time it's a different toilet. It's a special one! i was in a shop, asking if i could use the shop's toilet, the shopkeeper pointed me to the back and so i went. But the moment i open the door it is quite... supprising. There was a stair, a supprisingly long stairs like the one in Batu Caves, except, this one is made of simen without painting, and it is watery. If you'd been to a low cost house and enter their toilet then you'd probably know what i'm talking about. So the bowl is high up at the end of the stairs and after i got up there, there're two dirty bowls... and THERE'S NO FEAKING DOOR! only a curtain that covered half of the place... but it was an imergency that time, so "fark it lah" i said, just use... and it's gross... really... ok... leave the details... don't blame me if you want to imagined the situation! You can always choose not to think you know! XD

So i woke up... and i began to think, why is it the same disgusting thing always appeared? and i begin to thought of the myth, if the myth is true, that the dream might be a vision of my previous life, and since this is a nightmare, it must be how i died, and it's in a toilet...... so.... what was i in my previous life? After thinking for a while, i found my conclusion -- i must be a lizard! There are some other suggestion that i thought of like roach, flies, and spiders. But i don't like insects, so i don't think i'm those, but lizard. I like lizards, cuz when they're around the flies will be eaten. And i like climbing... i'd jumped off from first floor to ground floor before, never died, not even ingured...

So here's my conclusion, my previous life was a pathetic lizard that probably love to sneak around in girl's toilet and eventually got flushed down in a filthy bowl with... you know what...

oh, why girl's toilet you said? cuz i like girls! And i believe this is the same thing that never changed from the past till now! hmm.... doens't sounds right... =_=

erm................ yet again.... that was pathetic.... But if that was true, then i MUST do something in this life that's totally opposite to that! WILSON'S GONNA BE GREAT! CALL ME, WILSON 'ZA GREAT! wohahahahahaha!
man i love this emoticon...
Still i hope the dream means nothing... bah.... don't care lah! IT'S JUST A DREAM!

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