Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Cheers 2007

damn man! i couldn't online for almost a week! stupid line down! but putting that aside, i'm glad that i got my line back now!

well, i went to watch cheerleading competition again this year, on 24 June 2007. This year's performances are awesome y'know! Everyone had improved so much! Their cheers are so mature, and the stuns, just simply amazing! and the best thing is, there's a cheer performance by a group called Charm, this team is superb i tell you! Breath catching stuns, amazing acrobatic performance, good dance, good cheers, and never forget, Great Lookin' chics man! XD
but seriously, the team is very well balance in term of the participant of the male and female performers, all with well trained body (if you know what i mean ^^)! And no matter they're boys or girls, they all matched up to their name, Charm! This team is not a competing team by the way, cuz if they are, then we all know who're the winners without looking at the others.... it's sooo obvious, they're Good! But instead, this is a performance team, and they picked up their members from the best of all the schools, and the name Charm erm... i'm not sure what it stands for... Charity... dunno what what what.... hehehe

So this is the good thing, i went to watch the cheers with my brother, and the bad thing is, near the end of the show, some IDIOTs buat kecoh at the back of the stadium! And the worse thing is, the person who buat kecoh, is my brother's friend! well, not a close friend, he just know this person exist and talk to him once, but then his other friend, Jackson, called my brother, making it sounds like a big matter lah, say this idiot kena wallap and ask my brother to check out the situation before he arrived. So my brother did as he asked, went to check out the situation, and me, yeah though people say someone as big size as my brother wouldn't need anyone to back him up, but i'm still worried y'know, he's my brother! so i went with him, and boy there were so many people there man! All doesn't look like a friendly type... then Jackson arrived, tried to solve the matter... then the asshole who started the fuss start calling up more and more people, like he's starting out a fight! But guess what they found out in the end? It's a very stupid story so bare with me...

The guy who started the matter, let's call him A.H (Ass Hole), is aftering a girl let's called her M.M (Mui Mui or in english, little girl), M.M don't like A.H, but A.H doesn't know how to give up, keep aftering her, asking her to break up with her boyfriend and so on. Well... M.M is ok looking i'd say, but too young, waaay too young, she's a secondary school kid from Sri KDU, what d'you expect?! And the worse thing is, A.H... is one year older than me! Well, i may be joking around all the time saying "let's 'invest' on little girls" but i was joking all the time ok, but this guy... he's dead serious! But that's not the most stupid thing, let's get back to the story. M.M don't like A.H, A.H doesn't want to give up, so they ended up quarelling (god -_-), and M.M got so pissed off that she threw her shoes at A.H! A.H got pissed, and start pushing M.M around (yeah, i know, that guy's an idiot), so the girl got scared lah, and M.M's friend, a guy friend, not boyfriend though, start calling for help, asking a malay guy to help out. Let's call this guy S.M (Stupid Monkey). I think S.M making up stories say A.H is bullying M.M or something lah, so the malay guy came in and pushed A.H away. And i think the malay guy pushed him quite hard lah, i mean, what you'd do if someone tell you that a guy is trying to hit a girl? For me i'll pushed him away hard also lah, if not hurting him badly... so A.H got scared... and started crying.... read carefully now, A BLOODY 23 YEAR OLD IDIOT CRYING LIKE A BABY AFTER BEING PUSHED AWAY BY THE OTHERS! and i really mean that he cried like a baby you know! sniffing and crying, and start calling all his kaki to back him up, and the excuse he made, "i was being hit by a bunch of malay guys..." This is a sensitive issue you know! and when he said that, EVERYONE CAME! looking for a fight that is! so he waited, my brother came, and soon Jackson came, and all the A.H's kaki came. Everyone thought this is something serious, everyone thought A.H is really being bullied by some malay guy...

this is when the monkey show begins, the malay guy noticed that this is all a misunderstanding, trying to make peace with A.H, but hey, now A.H got all the back ups ady wei, his uncle, his kaki, everyone, and this A.H suddenly y'know, turn into a fierce tiger! yelling like a gangster boss like that, say, "i don't want to make peace, i don't care! today i'm gonna wallap this guy!"................... waaah... i was saying, damn pathetic wei! He got no guts at all! After living in this world for 23 years he can't even settle his own problem by himself! But it's alright y'know, we all know that idiot exists in this world! But this fella, he cried like a pussy at first, begging for help, and when his helps arrived, he starts barking like a stupid dog! Like he's the alpha male or something! But luckily things didn't turn out bad man, soon everyone knows that this is just a small misunderstanding and decided not to make things worse and just let it go.

The most pitty person would be Jackson, he was planning to enjoy himself for the whole day after finishing his exam, but ended up coming all the way to Bukit Jalil just to solve this matter! And that's not all y'know! Before this i mentioned there were alot of people involved in the commotion right? I noticed some of the guys dress up like hongky gangster like that, standing there, doesn't look friendly at all. So i kept my eyes on them and asked my brother to be careful. And i also noticed the malay guy is not alone as well. I stayed calm and alert, ready to strike at any suspecious movements, then this hongky gangster guy suddenly called out to Jackson, "hey, are you flamming at us?" "no, but aren't you guys M.M's friend?" Jackson asked. "No wei! hey, we're not involved wan wei! We're just spectators! don't get us involve wei!" .................. then this malay guy approached Jackson, "hey, chill lah, ok, sudah takde apa-apa ya! Boleh ambil gambar tak?" and he was smilling at Jackson asking to take pictures.... Jackson, that poor kid who's suppose to be the centre person for this matter, kena bom so much that he lie straight on the floor, laughing at himself as why is he got involve in this matter...

So this is a lesson i learnt from that occasion, never get yourself involve in this kinda stuffs, it's so stupid and so pathetic that you'd never want to be related to any of it... luckily i watched all the cheer performances on that day, and that they didn't really start out a fight. The next time anyone asked my brother to settle this kind of problem, i'm gonna pull him away and leave those idiots to settle it themselves! God! These people, GET A LIFE MAN!

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