Friday, June 15, 2007

Dream Life

i'm living in a life that's free from stress, from worries, and from engineer...... hahahaa! ^^

i'm now living in a life that i always dreamed of, a life as an artist! too bad i'm not making money with my artwork right now, but you just wait! One day, i'll live in this dream, where i earn my living by doing the things that i like to do the most, and still enjoy my life! But until then, i still have to work hard! And right now, i need to DRAW HARD!

Okay, maybe i'm obsessed in drawing, blah blah blah, but how could you expect me to give this up man? I'VE BEEN DRAWING SINCE THE MOMENT I LEARNT HOW TO HOLD A PENCIL! This is one thing that i'll NEVER GIVE UP! But then all these years of lack of practice makes my artwork looks like crap! I can draw, yes; i got loads of skills and techniques, yes; but somehow all these skills are not working properly... when i'm trying to put all my skills together, it just somehow... cannot merge... and the drawing just... doesn't seems right... how do i put this? mmm.... it's like i can't maintain the same standard on every pictures i draw! Lack of practice man... but i'm not worried! I'm now living in a world where i draw all i like, and nobody, nothing bothers me! I should be able to raise my standard in a very short amount of time! (if i'm lucky enough that is! ^^)

But this month is still a little busy for me, Pn Chan's retiring and i'm preparing a slide show on her retirement day, so i've been drawing whole day for that. And the stupid Comic Competition, which i thought the authorities had canceled it this year, is still on! but i must submit my work before 30 June.... baaaah... don't care lah. I'll see if i'm able to draw one before the due date... if not... oh well... too bad for me then...

right now i'm not planning to work yet. I'd finally got my freedom, why should i get back to hell so soon? Besides, i need to properly plan out my future, and bring my dream to reality man! ............ just that... after i planned out everything, i forgot to put in a slot of when i should get a girlfriend.... -_- right till now... it's still zero leads... tak ada pompuan, tak tau where to find pompuan.... somebody... introduce me some girls please... *sniff...

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