Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Last Stand - Part 3

Finally, it's over... the exam... i no longer have to sit for major examinations such as this one. 4th June 2007, time 1900 marks the moment i end my miserable life as an exam taker! I no longer need to worry about marks, about passing or failing. Today's paper is suppose to be the easiest amongst all, but the stupid examiner changed the format (damn the formats!) and came out with a stupid diagram asking me to analyse it. I know how to do it, just that due to the sudden shock and confusion of facing something new, i got stunned for a while, and damn! Not enough time in the end! Damn shitty wei! i was expecting to score a pretty high mark for this paper, now it's cut down to half! But does it matter? No... it doesn't matter anymore, it's all over! i no longer need to stay up late to study, i no longer need to do tons of pass year's papers, i no longer need to worry about that anymore... no longer... aaaah... freedom! Feels so good!

i don't think i'm in such a bad situation that i'll fail my course, it's impossible! But i probably won't be able to achieve my target, probably will be getting a 3rd class only... but that's no big deal man! people got diploma cert still be able to find a good job! So maybe i'll get this kind of luck too! And i shall leave that to my future, let's not bother about that for the moment. Now, is the moment of rejoyce! A moment of relieve, and release from 4 damn years of mental torture! Some people say though, that working environment is much tougher, blah blah blah... bah my fart lah! Nothing is tougher that being forced to do something that you REALLY don't like WITHOUT getting any pay back! At least working, "hey i got pay! and my stomach is full!" ....

now what's left is some Viva Voce and a phase test. Viva Voce is an interview with the lecturers, discussing about your past works, whether you understand what you're doing or you're just copying... additional marks are scored from there y'know! that's what i heard of course. I'm not really sure how to pronounce the two words though, i pronounce it as "vai-va vose", some people called it "vee-va vose", my lecturer pronounce it as " vai-va vo-say"... which i don't think it's correct... but who cares?... as long as i'm referring to the same thing and everyone understand what i say then it's fine!

So, today i'm having my viva, 3 interviews in a row! Syok leh! Kok Hoe made this arrangement himself, and i say it's good also lah... no point to pro-long the troubles, just get it through in one shot, then tomorrow (wednesday) i'll be having my project viva, then friday my phase test, then it's all over! hahaha! Mom asked me to continue my studies to master degree... but i see no point doing that... i'll most probably ended up jumping off from KL Tower! hehehe! So no, no master degree in engineering, please! I'M THROUGH WITH IT! AND BY THIS FRIDAY I'LL BE FREE FROM ALL THESE... HELLISH TORTURE! HAHAHAHAA! YAY! IT'S ALL OVER!




... the sky seems so beautiful today! i'd never realize that the world is so pretty! -_-

... to be continued

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wee! congrats again! all the best. Update us when results are out. Hope you do well :)

Now, time to pursue a career in comic drawing?