Tuesday, July 24, 2007


i just went back to college yesterday, not that i wanted to, but i have to get back my results! i pass of course, not with a VEEERY good results, but i'm satisfied with it! A 3rd class with honours degree, no complaints and no regrets! Oh well, now i can start looking for jobs, i guess that marks the end of my honey moon either. But what job should i look for? hmm.... i want something with ok earning and short working hour! The short working hour is my main concern, i don't give a damn about O.T, i just wanna go there, work, time up and i'm off! i'm just wondering if i'd ever get this kind of job?

oh well, job hunt aside, one of my friend talked to me about investment the other day, she said (yeah it's a she! wow! -_-) that young people like us should start investing on something for future security. So i asked her, what should i invest on? She doesn't know what to suggest and said she'll let me know more when she learnt more. But i do know a few investments out there that people usually go for: stock market, side business, real estate, insurance, vehicles, etc. Depends on what kind of investment you're looking for, there are many types of insurance out there you can find. For an instance, you have a business of your own, but you plan to build up your market, so either you invest on another shop lot and open a branch stall for your business, or you invest on more vehicles and man power to help running your business and cover more areas. When all these can be considered as normal investments, your friendly buddy here (that's me! ^^) suggests a new investment! Somthing new, something creative and brilliant and worth your time and money!

What's this brilliant idea we're talking about you asked? We're talking about investments on GIRLS! yeah! you heard me! But not just normal girls! I'm talking about.... little girls! Ngiek-he-he! But don't mistaken me as a pedophile for i am a perfectly normal person who love girls with beautiful faces, smooth skin, a pair of lovely boobs, tight waist, sexy leg, and cute ass.... okay..... i think i've given too much information.... the bottom line is, i am a perfectly normal guy in terms of both physically and psycologically! But why am i talking about investing on little girls? what does that means? It means, be friend with little girls, those who're still in primary or secondary school girls. Be friend with them, a good friend, to them, you're someone they can count on, like their big brother, their teacher, yet you're neither to them, you're just -- their Friend! Once you do that, you can start a big plan already!

Start influencing them, telling and teaching them that they should safe money, that shopping is bad, having just one pair of shoes is enough, one bag is enough, that they don't have to keep on buying and buying. Brainwash them! Then further influence them, tell them the importance of healthy diets, exercises, keeping fit and admirable body. Then you can educate them, that they must listen to their husband after they're married, that when her husband say yes, she shall never say no, that she must fulfill her husband desire, but of course to make it less obvious, you must teach her how to defend herself if her husband is a bad one and so on. Like this, you invest on several girls, remember that you don't have to aim on one girl only! invest on several, and always keep in mind that you're just their big brother, influence and educate them till they grow up. This will avoid you from being too obvious and too aggressive to them! But you have to be careful for not being too brother-like as well! cuz if they're just seeing you as their brother, then you just failed in your investment! It is a long investment, and a one shot investment! You won't have that much time to work this kind of master plan! So search carefully, pick your target and invest carefully, and by the time they're 20, you move in for the harvest! MUAHAHAHAHAA! BY THAT TIME YOU'D BE INFLUENCING THEM SO MUCH THAT THEY'LL BE THE IDEAL WIVES THAT EVERY MEN IN THIS WORLD ARE LOOKING FOR!

Still don't get the big picture? You see, let's say you start knowing this girl by the age of 12, after investing for 8 years, they're pretty much being brainwashed by you already! almost half of their life is being "educated" by you! So by the time you take your action to a further level, they'll be pretty much of how you'd want them to be! Someone nice and caring and... don't like shopping and is satisfied by having just a paper bag as their hand-bag and...... okay i'm wondering why my head feel so hurt out of a sudden? ouch ouch ouch! It feels like someone's been knocking on my head! Oh i'm gonna sneeze............................ i have a bad feeling.... i think someone's cursing me right now...... better stop typing! That's all for today, ta!


Please Read:

alright, i'm hereby to apologize if this post is being too offensive. i was bored and was thinking of some jokes to tell my friends and crazy things pop up sometimes! i really just making this up as a joke and mean no offense to the girls! if you think this is too rude to be posted up here just let me know and i shall delete it in no time! Of course, we love the ladies as who they are and how they act. Though there are times their attitude really doesn't please people, but we should always learn and remember to look at the good side of them, the happy memont we spent with them. Looking at the bright side instead of the dark. According to Buddha's teaching: "how you look at people reflects the image of your true self, and how people look at you", if you only see people as trash then you yourself are not much diffent from a garbage either; if you see people as good, this reflects your positive thinking nature, and life is always easier that way! hmm... going off topic already...

Anyway, i hope that anyone who read this post can read it with open mind and have a good laugh along the way, but if it is too offensive, i sincerely apologize and do let me know if you feel that way!

And no, please don't try this "brilliant idea" in real life, you'd either become a bachelor for your entire life, or you'd get caught by policemen for trying something immoral or inhuman on a 12 year old girl. Or in worst case scenario, you'll get killed by the girl's father! If i'm the father, yes that's what i'll do! SO DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! or IN REAL LIFE! or IN LIFE! EVER!

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