Thursday, April 26, 2007

skin testing!

ooo~! somehow i managed to personalize my page without downloading the skin from somewhere else or even learning up the html codings... i hate codings... though i'm specialized in IC circuit design coding (VHDL) but i still hate it! the pages of codings, of words that you couldn't understand, that seems like english but it's not english at all, that makes your eyes blur and pop out when you received tons of error messages! i'm through with it man!

anyway, i'm able to modify my page without all those knowledge or sources. The web pages i tried out aren't working at all, so i modified it myself! the page is still partially modified though, i'll get a complete personalized page by... sunday maybe? bah... whenever i have time lah! Too damn busy man! okay... maybe it's because i'm lazy... but i just don't feel like doing anything! just feel like drawing... just draw... don't want tot do assignments... don't want to study... *sniff... i want to draw... :_(

ok, let's get back to work!

wilson, out!


: fairy zoe15 :. said...

omg!!! ur background skin is so nice!!! luv it vry much!!! ^.^ erm... my comments arh.. try getting a shoutout box lerh... easier to write merh.. if not everytime have to click commenet then fill in details.. troublesome lerh... hehe... :p
btw, can u give me ur url on ur latest page without filling in the url part.. get what i mean? er... means u write it out with http loo... thanks ya.. ^_^

: fairy zoe15 :. said...

yup. its ur web url. can u type it out for me? hehe.. thanks.

friends 4eva! ciaoz~~~