Sunday, April 8, 2007

First Post on Blogger!

wow... how long has it been since i last update my blog? the one that i updated on blogger recently cannot be counted though, cuz i was using that as a test post for my new page... so the last update was on the 4th of March... so it's like... one month? that's the longest pause period i had so far! Now with this post, i shall declare that Wilson has officially changed his blog page into blogger!

why i change into blogger? hmm.... let's just say that friendster has too many limitations on their page design and photo uploads, they actually set a limit of 50 pictures max for every month! so if you have too many pictures that you want to share on your blog, you'll have 50 spaces for you to upload, after reaching the limit, wait for the next month... and let's say you uploaded a picture into your blog but realized that you'd uploaded the wrong one or being set to the wrong size and want to change, so you delete it and upload a new one, but guess what? the one that you deleted is still counted in your 50 pictures limit! And i always happen to upload my pictures in wrong sizes... so delete and reposts... damn! i'd exceed my 50 pictures limit! so when i got fed up, i change it!

blogger, so far so good, there're so many functions and settings that can be made so it takes me sometime to adjust my page set ups and all... and i finally got this one... but i've seen some who personalized their template into something REALLY cool y'know! i wanted to try it but it says i need html knowledge in order to do that... i found some sites that offers templates for blogger but all cannot work wan... bah... f*** lah.... i'll just stick with this one for the moment......

my studies in KBU is ending soon though... in another one month time i'll be out of there for good! then after that what should i do? i really don't know... i want to become a comic artist, and i'm not kidding about that, but how am i suppose work my way to that? the future... seems so vague to me... haih... i don't have the time and energy to worry about that right now! NOW - FOR THE SAKE OF MY CERT



Unknown said...

hehe, all the best man!

Maybe u should send some of ur art work to the comic publishing companies. Get their mail and just send it to them. Hopefully they'll notice ur talent and ull get an offer :)

: fairy zoe15 :. said...

not bad merh ur blog.. i know there is one web got give free template one but can't recall, will let u know when i rmb it. hehe...

anywayz, u spell my name wrongly. its "chae gin" not chai gin. btw is that name mine arh? haha... oh ya, and when i click it, it can't open. there is an error...

regarding ur comics, i agree with eu gene, y not send to them.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

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i have a problem with my internal HDD. When this all happened, i was playing a game online. I got a Virus Worm and i shut down my computer and reformatted my HDD and put windows back on. I had a secondary HDD in for back-up purposes. so got windows in and put everything back, but i then noticed that my computers performance went down drastically with my main HDD, I could not copy anything i had onto the back-up drive and once i did it was so slow to copy the file. Once i had all the files on the back-up drive, i decided to start from the back-up drive with windows. Same applied. It was really slow with the reading-and-writing. i decided to take the secondary back-up drive out and boot from the main HDD. Everything seemed to be running smoothly i checked the main HDD Temperature with HD tune. The drives temp was 37 degrees Celsius, and the drive went to normal temperature of 43-44 degrees Celsius. I then decided to plug in the secondary HDD and leave it on for a day. the temperature went from 43-44 degrees to 47-48 degrees Celsius. So my guess is that the HDD drives are getting way to hot, and i am getting what seems like bad sectors in the drive, but it has never done this before. I have always had my back-up drive in ever since i got my main HDD. I can't place my finger on what is wrong with my drives. Once the main HDD is lower temperatures the drive seems to be performing better. but its normal temperature is 43-44 degrees Celsius and i still have some problems with reading and writing then. Can someone tell me what has happened please. I dont know if it was from the worm virus or if the temperatures are getting too hot (but has never done this before) can someone tell me what to do. I have changed the line leading into the motherboard as well, and that seems to have no effect. i even swapped the board lines between the CD drives and the HDD drives, no effect on that either. can someone tell me what is going on, i have ran out of options.

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