Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A gift for Pn Chan

well, i've planned to write this post for some time ady, but always get carried away by something else, and now look at this, it's already 3 weeks after Pn Chan retirement, now only i post... grrr.... ~_~

I've been quite busy for the past few weeks, taking playing games and hanging out with friends aside, i've been busy in making my preparation for a comic drawing competition, and before that i was busying on making a gift for Pn Chan's retirement. The early plan was to draw a comic, then after being inspired by Nicholas, i changed the plan to making a slide-show-cum-animation movie... but then i realize that i was freaking running out of time and helpers, so it eventually changed into a slide-show only... heh... so it's nothing much... but it took me A LOT of time to make the slide show, it's a 5 minutes show describing a student's memory of Pn Chan. The student in this show doesn't exist though, it's just a fictional character designed by myself, but
the story was base on real experiences, which i collected it from friends.

The reason i do this slide show? well... i just finished my final year, a free bird, now ready to venture into my art career, but all these years of struggles in a subject that has no relation with art AT ALL dulls my artwork a little. I can draw, but i can't maintain the standard on every piece of drawings, so what i need now is experience, and this will be a good chance for me to practice, to demonstrate to the students of my old school (i was told that they will show it to the students lah...), and also to show my appreciation for my old school's HM. And it gives me something to do y'know, so till i found a job, i will not waste my time doing nothing but sleep, play game, eat, shit, sleep again... then repeat...

But the sad thing is that i wasn't able to get it done in time though... so i missed out the chance to show the work infront of everyone... oh well... maybe it's for a good reason, so that i wouldn't be too proud of myself and people won't think like, "cheh, show off!" So i ended up just compiling my work into a CD and present to Pn Chan as a gift on her retirement day. And talk about Pn Chan's retirement... it is the most glorious retirement ever! Have you ever heard of anyone having a retirement celebration for one whole week? yeah! Our HM is the first one in the history, from 26 of June 2007, celebrating all the way till her official retirement day, that is 29 of June! And to make things more glamourous, she get the chance to depart by helicopter! It's damn cool man i tell you!

The first day was a party at SMKBU itself, gathering all the HMs from our neighbouring schools, basically it's all the schools in BU area lah. Then the second day, 27 June 2007, wednesday, was a dinner organized in KDU hall. I didn't attend this two event lah, the first one got nothing to do
with small flies like me, and the second event, well, i was busy on my slideshow that time so, no, i didn't attend. The the third day, 28 June 2007, thursday, was a gathering for all the former students of SMKBU! It's really cool y'know, a lot of people turns up, and it is like a gathering party for the friends as well! There are some performances that night, Pn Lily Juliani sang Getaran Jiwa, a remix version with mixture of chinese musical instruments, then there are other performances as well! There's one performance prepared in the last minute, the x-SMKBU Choir team performance lead by Melissa Ng and Eek Ping! They didn't do much practices and rehersals, and you can see Melissa is getting panic trying to gather up all the former Choir members, Eek Ping got his music notes cut out wrongly, and the team got an unexpected volunteer from Ai Xuan's younger brother, Hock Leong. It was a funny scene to see! But it ended up very well! Many people join in, the singing is loud and wonderful, the music play is beautiful, and everyone in the hall is singing along with the choir team, it's a real success! Then the last day, Pn Chan's official retirement day, the teachers had arranged a helicopter to pick up Pn Chan at the end of the event! The entire situation was out of control the moment the chopper arrived. Everyone's like never seen a helicopter before (well... of course they've never seen it before... so up close that is!), and the students, including the teachers (:P) rushed towards the field where the chopper touched down, everyone gone wild! Even the teachers also walked closer to the chopper, trying to get a closer view for their camera! The teacher who's organizing the event, that fella is the poorest thing, he was pleading there, "toloooong lah para pelajar, jangan terburu-buru, cikgu-cikgu sekalian tolooong lah jaga situasi..." Then finally, Pn Chan got her glamourous departure by the helicopter after receiving the gifts from all the students and after being interviewed by some reporters.

The event is not suggested by Pn Chan of course, it was prepared by the teachers and the students of SMK Bandar Utama. She's a really good HM i must say, so kind and hardworking, believe it or not, our SMKBU that was once known as the worst school in the region has now turn into the most discipline shcool in BU leh! Things were never the same as before. Nowadays you'll see the students actually line up in the canteen when buying food! And they sit down quitely... well... they talk lah of course, but it is waaaay peaceful than last time! 5 years ago you'll see the students jam up in the row fighting for food, like the monkeys set loose from its cage. Sometimes you'll see some flying objects flying through the canteen, and when that happens, it means you should leave that place, unless you want to join in a fight as well! The flying objects are varied, sometimes it's a plate and spoons and forks, and sometimes it's a rubish bin's cap if it is not the rubbish bin itself! then of course, if you're tossing the plates around, the foods naturally fly around in the mid air either! Recess was a warzone in the past, it is chaotic, and anyone sane would want to avoid going there most of the time, unless they're being forced to go, such as the prefects...

But now everything has changed, not only that the students discipline had improved, but the school's environment itself had improved as well! The colour had changed, the facilities had improved, now SMKBU has a gym room leh! Don't play a fool! And they have an art gallery as well, the science lab is now properly equiped, and the Bio students get to slice frog right now! (gee... i always wanted to slice some frogs... -_-) And the whole school is just.... hmm... how should i put it? The school is filled with information, it has been improved into an ideal study environment! it makes all the first batch students (that's us) wished we're borned one or two years later so that we get the chance to enjoy the facilities provided in the school! But no one can change the fact isn't it? We already left the school right now, and without realizing it, we'd left that place for five years now! everyone is walking their separate path, some working already some still studying. Some in UK, some in Australia, some in Singapore, some in US... some paths will cross again, some... we shall never hear from them anymore... this is life y'know, everything that have a beginning will come to an end. And it is not the end that is important, it's what we do in the process of coming to the end that counts, it is the friendships that we made in the process that makes life wonderful........................................................................................................................... i guess i better stop now... suddenly getting all sentimental... -_-

alright, this is all for today. I'm including the slideshow i made into this post, i wanted to put it on Youtube but erm... it's taking me forever to upload it... so i upload the show in my photobucket account, i also include the site so that you can get a better view of the slide show by visiting the webpage, and ah, that's all for now! Cioz!
The link:


Unknown said...

Puan Chan was the epitome of a pengetua in every sense of the word. She truly made a difference in a school that was tagged as "hopeless". Hopefully the next person who takes her place will be able to fill those really large shoes!

Unknown said...

sorry for the double post :P

Just wanted to say...

the slide show is beautifully done! Wahlau eh it must have taken u ages to get the music and colours right.

Wei, i think u should use this for that competition thingie. The theme is superhero rite? This should work just's meaningful, the colours are gorgeous, and it'll be a nice twist from the cheesy ultraman/power rangers stuff most ppl will submit

Wilson said...

ufufufu! :D
The music damn nice right? hohohoho! it took me two days to compile everything together! Then the rest was drawing, colouring, loads of works man!
Hectic, but it was a very nice experience! And i love the job!

Anonymous said...

I very much would like to talk to you.

Wilson said...

wow~ never knew there's someone still reading my blog!

Anonymous said...

No, opposite.