Sunday, April 15, 2007

man vs woman XD

it is alwasy easy to tell whether the one driving infront of you is a man or a woman, or an idiot....... ~.~

if you see the person driving infront damn ganas wan, cutting in here and there, that's most probably an idiot who thinks he can drive like Micheal Shoemaker (:P); if you see the person infront of you driving damn slow wan, it's either that fella's car too old or the fella's too old; if you see the fella's like can't make decision where to go wan, then suddenly cut out of the lane without signal or suddenly brake wan, it could be a drunk, but most of the time... it's a woman... i'd personally experience this countless amount of times, more than 80% of my guess are usually correct. But i didn't know why though, until Marwan explained to me why woman drives like that...

he said it happens to his mom also, it's like they were thinking about what they want to cook for dinner when they're driving, or is their laundry done already, or what time their kids comming home, so without realizing it, they're already on other people's lane! So any normal reaction will be "alamak, wrong lane", but the difference is they straight away pusing balik without look at the back or giving signals or anything...... so try to avoid road rage when you're driving and stop cursing anyone who drive like an idiot infront of you, i wouldn't be supprise if that person's gonna be your future wife or worse... your mother in law.... so just be a little more cautious and over take them, or let them over take you and drive like normal! then they're happy and you're happy everyone's happy ya!

there's no discrimination meaning in this comic y'know, the idea just kick in and i just felt like drawing it... ^^

1 comment:

: fairy zoe15 :. said...

no worh... i oBject !!! alto i don't drive much, but what i've seen was mostly man making this mistake one lerh.... so cannot say women lerh... hehe.. :p

p/s:i found it. its hehe.. go check it out.. ^_^