Thursday, April 26, 2007
skin testing!
anyway, i'm able to modify my page without all those knowledge or sources. The web pages i tried out aren't working at all, so i modified it myself! the page is still partially modified though, i'll get a complete personalized page by... sunday maybe? bah... whenever i have time lah! Too damn busy man! okay... maybe it's because i'm lazy... but i just don't feel like doing anything! just feel like drawing... just draw... don't want tot do assignments... don't want to study... *sniff... i want to draw... :_(
ok, let's get back to work!
wilson, out!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
man vs woman XD
if you see the person driving infront damn ganas wan, cutting in here and there, that's most probably an idiot who thinks he can drive like Micheal Shoemaker (:P); if you see the person infront of you driving damn slow wan, it's either that fella's car too old or the fella's too old; if you see the fella's like can't make decision where to go wan, then suddenly cut out of the lane without signal or suddenly brake wan, it could be a drunk, but most of the time... it's a woman... i'd personally experience this countless amount of times, more than 80% of my guess are usually correct. But i didn't know why though, until Marwan explained to me why woman drives like that...
he said it happens to his mom also, it's like they were thinking about what they want to cook for dinner when they're driving, or is their laundry done already, or what time their kids comming home, so without realizing it, they're already on other people's lane! So any normal reaction will be "alamak, wrong lane", but the difference is they straight away pusing balik without look at the back or giving signals or anything...... so try to avoid road rage when you're driving and stop cursing anyone who drive like an idiot infront of you, i wouldn't be supprise if that person's gonna be your future wife or worse... your mother in law.... so just be a little more cautious and over take them, or let them over take you and drive like normal! then they're happy and you're happy everyone's happy ya!
there's no discrimination meaning in this comic y'know, the idea just kick in and i just felt like drawing it... ^^
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
enough with the damn project!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
First Post on Blogger!
why i change into blogger? hmm.... let's just say that friendster has too many limitations on their page design and photo uploads, they actually set a limit of 50 pictures max for every month! so if you have too many pictures that you want to share on your blog, you'll have 50 spaces for you to upload, after reaching the limit, wait for the next month... and let's say you uploaded a picture into your blog but realized that you'd uploaded the wrong one or being set to the wrong size and want to change, so you delete it and upload a new one, but guess what? the one that you deleted is still counted in your 50 pictures limit! And i always happen to upload my pictures in wrong sizes... so delete and reposts... damn! i'd exceed my 50 pictures limit! so when i got fed up, i change it!
blogger, so far so good, there're so many functions and settings that can be made so it takes me sometime to adjust my page set ups and all... and i finally got this one... but i've seen some who personalized their template into something REALLY cool y'know! i wanted to try it but it says i need html knowledge in order to do that... i found some sites that offers templates for blogger but all cannot work wan... bah... f*** lah.... i'll just stick with this one for the moment......
my studies in KBU is ending soon though... in another one month time i'll be out of there for good! then after that what should i do? i really don't know... i want to become a comic artist, and i'm not kidding about that, but how am i suppose work my way to that? the future... seems so vague to me... haih... i don't have the time and energy to worry about that right now! NOW - FOR THE SAKE OF MY CERT