Wednesday, January 2, 2008

元日 ( - がんにち - )

It's 2008 already, yet another new beginning, another new adventure... the story of a man fighting for his dream continues...

2007 ended with a peaceful night, thanks to God, thanks to everyone, i'm still alive and in one piece. Many things had happened, happy moments, sad moments, frustrating moments, exciting moments... there are times when i lost track of my goal and whinded up in different paths, forgotten what i'm suppose to do, forgotten who i want to be... lost... but it appears that these misleading paths weren't so misleading after all, i was able to get myself back on track, learning new things in the process, adding spices and colours to my life, meeting new friends and all... and like what i've always said, "life, is good!"

The happiest event occurs in 2007 -- I GRADUATED! All these years of patience and endures had finally come to an end, and i found myself a job as a System Engineer, but what i'm doing is actually designing and coordinating advertisements for our company... so yeah, good for me! ^^
I've heard a lot of comments saying working life is bad, and that you'll be missing your college time and blah blah blah... The moment i miss the most is my secondary school time, college is hell to me! Working life is actually very good y'know, i finally get to do what i want to do, no restrictions, no one there to stop me, though the salary is kinda low, but i'm doing something that i really enjoyed doing, and i'm doing something that'll make me stronger in my pursue of my goal, and most of all, i'm making progression in my journey now! It's hectic, but seeing the progression makes me stronger; it's tiring, but to me, everything is worthy! And with all my friends' supports - i can make it!

Though the saddest thing is that our BU gang is getting smaller nowadays, everyone walks their own different paths now, and it's only occasionally that we get the chance to gather up, to cheer with each other. But like what i've said before, this is only part of life, people come and gather, and when the time's up, each will be going in different directions... we gather occasionally, but it's never the same as before... What i can do right now, is cherish the moment when we're together, appreciate that these people had once stepped into my life, and treasure the friendships that meant so much to me...

WELL, those are the bittersweet part, now is 元日 (gannichi in Japanese), or New Year in English, so let us all start up our engine, and march towards the unknown future! Don't look down, don't look back, just stand straight, stand tall, and march forward!

Happy 2008 my friend, cheer on!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. Have a great year ahead as u forge forward and achieve those goals. Happy 2008!

Wilson said...

wahehehehe! ^^
first time someone says something i wrote is beautifully written! it's usually too technical or.... it's just wrong...
Happy 2008 to you too!