Friday, March 7, 2008

Just in case you're wondering, "where the hell is Wilson right now?"

Yallo ma' fwen! It's been awhile ya! Have been very busy lately, "busy with what?" you asked? hohohoho! No worries no worries, let mua show ja!

First 2 weeks of Febuary:
Chinese New Year loh... duh... need me to tell you why i'm busy ka? It's chinese new year, and genius like me don't clean his room till the day before new year wan! So busy loh!
CNY is like... normal loh... go back JB... all the cousins jam up in a small appartment where i lived... noisy... as ever... kepoh... as ever... kacau... as ever... so can't do anything there, basically just slept the whole day then got bully by my cousins (they're all much younger than me, in case you didn't realize)... and visit other relatives... but this year seems to have collected a lot of ang pow y'know! Went visit relatives in Singapore also! First time in my life ~ collected Singapore duit leh! 10bucks become 20bucks, 20bucks become 40bucks! wahahaha! i love the exchange rate man! And this is the first time i step foot into Singapore territory after 18 years, yea, that feels good! Like i've concured the island itself!
~idiot >_>

3rd week of Febuary:
A new member joined my family! No i'm still single and i haven't married AND VERY MUCH AVAILABLE! (~meh ~_~)
I mean a pet dog! :D
A Shih Tzu, the name is Terry, he's ma' new bro 'mon! Only 4 months old ^^, very cute, very naughty, very good boy (yea, i know...what am i talking about?), love following people around... and lie on the floor right behind you... so almost step on him a couple of times already =_=
Very hairy, looks like a carpet on the floor, feels like roll it up like a bolster and use it as my pillow...
too bad... i don't have a girlfriend to show off to... Sad wei~
Taking care of a pet dog is no easy job i must say, have to teach him where to shit... where to eat... and since this is still a puppy... he basically bites everything that he can reach... so have to teach him what he can bites, and what he can't... but overall he's quite obedient! And very lovable little puppy! ^^
And why i suddenly get a pet dog? Don't ask me man, ask my brother and my mom... they suddenly got a dog fever and wanted a dog... so we have Terry right now...

The rest of the days until now:
Busy... very busy... busy playing with Terry (^.^")... and busy drawing man! Have been drawing none stop since coming back from JB! Almost finish my first comic! Planned to use this comic as my debut! My journey as a manga artist will start with this! Yeah!
But the sad things is... my current job... bos is going to be a blocking wall in my journey soon... they're gonna ask me to work extra... over time... take out of my precious time for drawing...
i haven't been touching engineering stuffs for 8 months now... what i've learnt? long gone with the wind... switch to another engineering job? bad... you have no idea how bad it is... it's a bad... bad... bad... BAD idea! Switch to art and design job? bad as well... went through some interviews already... pay too low... NOT only that... working hour... MUCH longer than what i'm doing now!!!
The solution:
none yet... but there's a thought... to give tuition! That should be able to sustain myself if i give enough tuition! Plus my first comic is going to complete soon, and i planned to go full time as a manga artist from now onwards! So there should have some income as well!
So yea, i'm gonna make a leap in my career this time, i'd never expect it to be easy, but i'm gonna move on with this!
Now please allow me to re-introduce myself ~
Wilson, the mangaka (漫画家), at your service!

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