Damn! Miracle never happen to me! Maybe i'd never noticed when it happens but it definitely failed to show up today! I'd just finished the thoughest paper of the series, i wrote a lot, but for some reason i had a feeling that it's not correct, if it's not entirely wrong! What i studied, come out only two questions, out of six questions available in the paper (i was required to choose 4 though)... but for the two questions that i answered the most, it carries so little marks that it made me feel like crying... -_-
maybe i'm not suitable for this subject in the first place... hell... i'm an art person to begin with! Well... maybe it's not the time to put this kind of blame... there's nothing to garuatee that i'll do better in other subjects either so erm... let's forget it...
But i'd been trying so hard you know! You'd never seen wilson working so hard before, sitting infront of his desk, pick up his notes and actually study! I do play some games when i'm bored, chat with people online... BUT HEY, I'M A HUMAN! I NEED SOME FRESH AIR ONCE A WHILE! Besides, i don't think i can pull it through even if i studied none-stop... i'll probably burnt out due to exhaution... so all i can do is to accept this fate, hoping that by any chance i'd be able to get through in the end. ha-ha-ha... man... i don't even have the mood to laugh right now...
Now i'm left with the final paper, it should be the easiest paper amongst all, and let's hope that IT IS! Then at the very least i'll be able to leave the exam hall with a smile on my face, and happily carry out my holiday plan... i'd planned a lot of stuffs for this holiday y'know! Drawing frenzy, girl hunting, research, self study, writing a special blog, etc etc... so many things, so much fun... and i'd be really pissed if it's ruined by this exam man!
so here it is, my final paper, my final boost!
... to be continued
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Last Stand - Part 1
Finally it'd come to this, the finals. It started just two days ago, on the 23 of May 2007, Wednesday, time 1550. I can't say that i did well in this, it's defiinitely not, but i don't think i'll fail this as well... i guess... i... just don't feel like studying... probably due to the assignments due on Monday, 2 assignments were requested to be handed up two days before the finals... and i've... burnt out because of that. You can say that i'm responsible for not doing the assignments earlier, but dueing 2 days right before the exam is just too straining! Plus there's no study weeks! I rushed the assignments, almost forget about the exams... i'd prepared earlier, but it's just not good enough... i focused back on my studies right after my assignments due, but it's too late... i can no longer concentrate, i read the notes, i did the tutorials and the pass years', but everything just pass through my brain, never stayed there... i was tired, and fed up, and eventually i... really don't feel like reading anymore... cuz i know that no matter how much i try to struggle, it's too late... i can no longer catch up... and i'm too exhausted to move on... i guess... i should just... give up.....
Ha! You think ONE paper is enough to bring me, WILSON THE GREAT, down? NEVAR! Yeah, it went pretty badly that day and there's no garuantee that i won't fail the paper, i'd even estimated that if i want to safely achieve my target of 2:1 class (that's 2nd upper class) i'll need to get particularly high scores for the next two papers, which is quite impossible espeacially for the 2nd paper, but does that mean i'll surrender and let go? NEVAR!!! The fire is still burning man, the heat is still on! It ain't over yet! As long as there's time, there's hope! As long as i'm still breathing, my heart's beating, the brain's functioning, and as long as my body's working, THEN IT'S NOT OVER YET!
I'll try! I'll fight! And nothing, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!
(howl of terror...)
... to be continued
Ha! You think ONE paper is enough to bring me, WILSON THE GREAT, down? NEVAR! Yeah, it went pretty badly that day and there's no garuantee that i won't fail the paper, i'd even estimated that if i want to safely achieve my target of 2:1 class (that's 2nd upper class) i'll need to get particularly high scores for the next two papers, which is quite impossible espeacially for the 2nd paper, but does that mean i'll surrender and let go? NEVAR!!! The fire is still burning man, the heat is still on! It ain't over yet! As long as there's time, there's hope! As long as i'm still breathing, my heart's beating, the brain's functioning, and as long as my body's working, THEN IT'S NOT OVER YET!
I'll try! I'll fight! And nothing, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!
(howl of terror...)
... to be continued
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Jual Roti
i was wondering about the contents of those boxes as i asked my mom, it seems only to be there after my mom came back. She didn't heard me, resuming on her cooking as i waited.
Finally, the dinner was served, and i tried to ask her again, "Mi (it's how i called my mom, Mi = Mommy), what're those boxes?" She looked at me smiling and said, "Roti". Then i was like... huh? Bread? Then she said again, "you have any friends that need it? it's RM300 per box!" "WHAT? 300 BUCKS FOR A BOX OF FREAKIN BREAD? i mean, even the box are perticullary big, can stuff at least 4 or 6 packets of extra size breads, you can't expect people would pay 300 bucks for BREADS right? Besides, what brand is that? i'd never seen it before! it's not Gardenia nor High 5, the box is white in colour, i can't really see what's written on the box from where i sat, but 300 bucks is rediculous! i was left there in confusion as my mom laughing there at the side...
Only then my father turned to me, "it's woman's napkin..."
great... Roti... this is what they called a woman's napkin in the old days... it appears that one of her customers in saloon is asking her to help selling this product, and she's expecting ME to help her selling this out.....
I'M FROM ENGINEERING CLASS MAN! THERE'RE ONLY PATHETICALLY 6 GIRLS OUT OF 80 OVER STUDENTS IN THE CLASS! (not forget to mention non of them are my type) MEANING MORE THAN 90% ARE GUYS! HOW IS SHE EXPECTING ME TO SELL IT TO THESE PEOPLE?!! plus my some what introvert attitude, i'm not close with the girls at all, and those i hang around with are mostly not here right now, some in Australia, some in Singapore, some in JB, some dunno where.... so how am i suppose to sell this ROTI??! Even if i'm close with the girls, it'd be ackward for a guy to ask a girl, "hey, you wanna buy napkin? i got one here, very cheap! 300 bucks for one big box! VERY good wan! Comfortable, good absorbtion... blah blah blah... buy one box and you'll get your whole year of napkins supply covered!" how's that sounds to you?
IT'S NOT RIGHT! IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT! i'm expecting two possible out come from this,
1) the girl will turn away, saying "PERVERT!" and i'll get shunned from any relationship with the opposite sex forever, or...
2) i'll get a nice thick slap on my face and i'll get shunned from any relationship with the opposite sex forever....
geez.... what's my mom thinking man...... -_-"
Thursday, May 10, 2007
haven't been updating for some time... i'm trying to putting on some new stuffs on my page but erm, need to find a right time to do that, but not now.
Right now, i'm counting down! counting down to my finals! counting down to my holiday! yeah, i'm almost through with this ady! 14 more days... actually 13 now... and i'll be battleling my final struggles! and another 26 days, that's almost a month time and i'll be.... free.... thinking of the exams makes me wanna explode, but thinking about the holiday... ah.... after that need to find job ady loh, after that i can seriously do what i want to do! YES, the fight is still on! Being one of the world famous comic artist is a vision not a dream! so i'll make it a DRAWING FRENZY after i'm done with my finals! HAHAHAHA! BY THEN NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!
i did some drawings lately, a potrait actually, and here i post it up with a real photo comparison, what do you think? i got some pretty good comments in deviantArt! i never knew i could draw a real life person at first you know. Actually, i thought that i couldn't draw a real life person, then Jia Qi reminded me of the Dr. Mahathir's drawing i did back when i was form 5... so i was like, "oh, cool! i can draw a real life person! i'm not just a cartoonist!" hehehe...
and here is another final fantasy picture i drew, it's Vincent Valentine, got some pretty good response from deviantArt also! i think my artwork improves again! hahaha! ^^ (bodoh)
Right now, i'm counting down! counting down to my finals! counting down to my holiday! yeah, i'm almost through with this ady! 14 more days... actually 13 now... and i'll be battleling my final struggles! and another 26 days, that's almost a month time and i'll be.... free.... thinking of the exams makes me wanna explode, but thinking about the holiday... ah.... after that need to find job ady loh, after that i can seriously do what i want to do! YES, the fight is still on! Being one of the world famous comic artist is a vision not a dream! so i'll make it a DRAWING FRENZY after i'm done with my finals! HAHAHAHA! BY THEN NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!
i did some drawings lately, a potrait actually, and here i post it up with a real photo comparison, what do you think? i got some pretty good comments in deviantArt! i never knew i could draw a real life person at first you know. Actually, i thought that i couldn't draw a real life person, then Jia Qi reminded me of the Dr. Mahathir's drawing i did back when i was form 5... so i was like, "oh, cool! i can draw a real life person! i'm not just a cartoonist!" hehehe...
anyway... have i ever tell you guys that i have a deviantArt account? i post up all my artworks there... well... those complete wan lah.... i don't bother about posting up the sketches though... haa... how i wish i'm out of my final year now! then i can post up more blogs, more drawings! nyahahaha!
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