Thursday, August 9, 2007

MSC Digital Drawing Competition 2007

Kaput ady looh! lost ady loooh! i joined this competition, organized by MSC wan, it's a digital comic IP design competition. Don't ask me what's IP, cuz until now i'm still having no idea at all! ~_~ but basically they don't require you to draw a comic lah, just presenting the ideas with some samples in a proposal will do. Then if your idea is good enough they'll short list the contestants into the final round. This is where the contestants are required to talk about their ideas and trying to convince the judges with their presentation.

The competition started early in the beginning of the year on April 2007. But me, you know lah, smart fella, never heard of the news until Eugene informed me... and the saddest thing is... i read his email just 3 days before the submission date! i rushed like hell man! Thinking of the story, design the characters, draw three pages of samples and preparing the proposal, all done in three days! But i made it, during the submission day itself me and my pa drove all the way to Cyberjaya to submit this thing. But i didn't put much hope in it y'know, since it is a last minute job. And i waited, one week, two weeks... no replies... then by the third week, 1st August 2007, i opened my mailbox and it says, "Dear Wilson Lew Sern Yong, Thank you for your submission of the proposal for the MSC Malaysia Digital Comic Competition 2007. The Evaluation Committee, after much consideration and deliberation is glad to inform you that your proposal has been shortlisted to pitch on the Pitching Day."

......... i jumped man! "YIPPEE! I GOT INTO THE FINAL" it was a supprise of a life time! And i anxiously waited till the pitching day, which is yesterday. i woke up very early in the morning, ran through a couple of practices, dressed to impressed, and start off my journey to the competition spot by 10am... reached there about 10.30... and the competition starts at 1.... i wasn't really nervous, but since i was there already i took a tour around the resort. It was a very nice place, quiet and peaceful. And without realizing the time, it's already noon. I don't feel like being late to the competition, so i didn't eat anything and went into the ballroom where my competition is being held. The contestants are very strong! Some are really good in drawing, while some can't draw anything at all, but they have an incredible concept! So i anxiously waited for my turn... in hunger.... and finally around 3.30pm, "Finally!" I presented, no flaws, everything goes just as plan, no nervous, but erm.... it appears that i prepared the wrong thing for them.... cuz in the invitation letter, they asked for presentation about your comic idea, concept, character designs, and then they also asked for business plan, schedule and budgets... and time to talk about all this -- 5 minutes sharp! i don't know what to present so i just summarize everything, just go through, go through, go through.... didn't put much samples and all... oh well! i finish summarizing everything in 5 minutes, but it appears that the judges are more anxious about the samples and the idea of the comic... soooo i got some negative feedbacks from the judges, aaand yeah.... i didn't win in the end.

But it was an interesting experience to be there, to look at other's idea, how they presents, and to re-evaluate myself! There are much more i need to improve in order to move closer towards my dream, this is not the last everyone's gonna see of me man! Winning this competition will be a big leap for me in my career, but losing it just means i'll have to stick back to my old plan. But I will return next year, and I WILL stun everyone with my work in the future! And ONE DAY, I WILL become one of the top class professional comic artist in the WORLD! That's a promise!
HA~! This is where our former prime minister Tun Sri Dr Mahithir Muhammad stood before during the opening ceremony of this resort! he gave his speech here along with several other countries' Prime Ministers and Presidens! ta-da! ^^

this is where the Vice Presiden of the United States '98, Al Gore stood during the speech! fufufu!

This is the view of the entire resort and also the plates and memorial of the opening ceremony ground.

well, the least i can do is take some stupid pictures before i leave this place! and apparently i took quite a lot! :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's the spirit! At least now you know the mark you'll need to meet. eh, post the comic that u submitted.