Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A shout out & a come-back!

i was about to write down something about my boss so that i could throw ALL my anger at him in one shot, but i've decided not to. Why put up unhappy stuffs in my jolly good happy blog isn't it? *wink (damn gay... i know...)

but still, i feel the urge to shout out just once:


(now that feels good!)

Okay, done with my shouting, let's see what i want to report this time. It's been one whole month i haven't update anything though, aha!

My Comic Is Completed! It was completed one week ago, and today i got it all printed out! (not published yet lah, just printed out for my own fun's sake) 21 pages of actions without story line! =D

well there is a story but the focus weren't on that, i planned this out to test my drawing ability and seek for more room to expand, and apparently i found A LOT of rooms for me to expand (which is very good)! Want to make this my debut as well, or at least a portfolio that allows me to work full-time as comic artist! It's one of the many stepping stones that push me up a level higher in my journey, and to build up my morale as well... working in this company had made me slacking off and i've reached to a point where i say, "i just don't give a fuck about anything anymore!" There are many reasons that causes it, but let's not talk about the details shall we?

So it's like this, when you reached to a point in your life where you say, "i just don't give a fuck anymore", it's a bad sign, it always is, it immediately pulls down your working ability, it pulls down your morale, and though it might not be related, but in many cases it pulls down your morale in other expect of your life as well! So when you said this sentence, you'd better start doing something to save yourself or you'll be wasting your own life for nothing! So this is my method - i set a deadline for my comic and work myself like dog, day and night, bring it to office but of course i didn't do it during working hour, i do it during lunch time and off-office hour. Stopped hanging out with friends and collegues, stopped yum cha, skipped sleeping, everyday just draw draw and draw! and i think my sacrifice worthy! I look damn terrible right now with serious dark circle around my eyes, but i felt more in control right now, and able to achieve things that i want to achieve! And really, i kinda like deadlines nowadays, especially the whooshing sound they make as they fly by!